Why the world needs superman

Monday, October 30, 2006

the dreams of "natural disasters"

I have had many sleepless nights lately - I've been having the most odd dreams.
Saturday night I was having a dream about my grandmother... she was going to sell her house! The reason in my dream for her selling her house was because a few blocks down the road there was an outbreak of alligators and crocodiles -- well the dream progressed so that the streets were full of water and the killer alligators were swarming in the water - and anyone who tried to make it to the other side was eaten.... so my grandmother was very frigthened by all this! But if you were on the sidewalk you were ok - the only problem was that the water kept coming over the sidewalk decreasing what we had left to safely stand on.... it wasn't until after I was awake from this dream that I realized we could have used the cell phones to call for air transport out of the area.... but still... such an odd dream.
Than last night I dreamt that Aine and I lived in a really cute two bedroom apartment. Things were going good in the dream living our daily lives - then the complex we lived in set on fire... so of course the dream was about being in the house and there was this raging fire and we had to try and save ourselves....
I wonder if tonight's dream will be able a volcano erruption, or an earth quake - or a terrorist attack. As long as these things only happen in my dreams and not real life - I think we shall survive!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cure a funk with some funk?

I haven't been feeling the best the last few days - kinda just want to crawl under a rock - a dark cave, or possibly my bed and just stay there for a few days. Today my alarm went off at ten to eight - I rolled out of bed at ten thirty! whoops. I didn't have class today though because my prof is in Banff presenting the paper that I wrote. I have lots to do - I need to start getting organized for my final, prepare my thesis proposal, and start working on the manuscript that is suppose to be done for christmas. I did put my notes back in order for my class - so that was productive. I did go to school - but I only stayed long enough to pick up my usb that I left there by mistake yesterday. And then - I was off to the mall...by myself. I have never been big on the shopping - but I wasn't going for myself. My grandmother has asked me to buy my sister some things for her birthday - she's getting a portable c.d. player and three country c.d.s .... I also picked up some things for my friends, so that was good!
When I was picking out c.d.s for my sister I came across the new Nelly Furtado c.d. (I know why is a nelly furtado c.d. mixed in with the country ones???)... and I decided that since I enjoy maneater and promiscuous songs that I would purchase the c.d. - in the past I have boycotted her because she came out with a bunch of stuff when my grandfather died and I couldn't listen to her without being sad - that and I found her music a bit annoying... but I enjoy this new "flava" of hers - makes me want to dance - or at least lay in bed and dream about me dancing on a stage with say Travis from "So You Think You Can Dance" - but instead we call our show "Yah - We Know We Can Dance YO!" --- but probably something more clever than that! So I have the c.d. playing right now - and so far its ok - not too bad.
I was considering going to Guelph tomorrow night for a Halloween party that Aine's frat is hosting - but I just don't think its a good point in time for me to be in a car by myself for an extended period of time so I think I'm going to withdraw - even though I imagine it will be a lot of fun.... I have a mass tomorrow morning for my dad that I'm going to attend - so that should be good...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Superman is bringing sexy back!

So I was on Jay Leno tonight - and by me I mean Justin Timberlake - but common really - I'm more sexy right? hahaha
JT told a story that his grandfather told him when he was TEN YEARS OLD... that I thought was cute - and since I know most people are in bed by now - I thought I'd share it
The grandfather told Justin about this dog that use to walk the same route everyday. The route consisted of walking over a set of train tracks. One day while attempting to cross over, the dogs little tail got stuck! The dog looks up and sees a train coming and thinks to himself - oh my, what am I going to do? So the dog decides that he is going to try and bite his tail off....while doing so the train comes and decapitates him (remember the kid was ten!)... so his grandfather then turns to an almost crying Justin and asks - whats the moral of the story son... and Justin had no idea...
the grandfather replied --- don't lose your head over a small tail.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

just call me Professor van Wyk

Yesterday, for the very first time, I conducted an undergraduate course. The normal professor is currently in Banff, and thus asked if I would teach lecture in his place. Realizing that this was a great opportunity, I immediately agreed.
The day started off ok, I came to school in one piece. Once here I decided to use the facilities - but of course I failed to follow rule number one... i didn't check if there was toilet paper... and of course there wasn't any. Someone came in and blew their nose (I didn't ask them to pass the tp because they just blew their nose... ) so I waited until they left because this way a) I knew there was tp next door, and b) there was no one else in the room. So she left and I scurried over to the otherside to successfully complete my business. Next, I picked up the specialized tablet laptop I needed to teach lecture on main campus. I started to load the computer - but of course get the message "Fatal error, windows is now shutting down" ... uhoh... what now?... I let it shut down and while walking to main campus (10+ minute walk) I held the laptop and tried to boot it up again. By the time I got to the lecture hall we were ready to go! PHEW.
Class began - it went well... they were a bit too chatty and I had to get them to quiet down - but over all I think it went well!!! Or at least I hope that it did.
The thing that surprised me the most though - I wasn't nervous. I was sick to my stomach nervous last Thursday about my presentation in my grad class... but standing up in front of approximately 200 first year undergrads, presenting material I'm not overly familiar with, didn't get my stomach in knots at all... my mouth got dry, but I was also talking for over an hour straight (good thing I brought water!)
All-in-all I enjoyed it. So if anything it just gave me more encouragement to pursue a PhD.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I wonder if Superman is Down With Love

Jennifer graduated today! YIPPEE!!! Congrats~ a double congrats to her and her guests at the convocation for sitting there from 10:30am (even though they got there before 9 I believe....or left the house before that time, I'm not sure) until about 1:40pm.... that is one long ceremony!

Tonight my mom and I sat on the couches and watched a money on television entitled "Down Wtih Love" ... I really enjoyed this movie. It was most clever in the way it was written, an intriguing story line, although I wasn't overly happy with the ending - but all in all it was a feel good movie! So - if you are having a lazy day at home, or want a bonding experience with your mom - rent "Down With Love"... its a good one.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The silly things you do while stressed

This is a really stressful week for me - and sadly I am not accomplishing as much work each day as I set out to do, which only adds frustration.
However, a realization this evening with respect to something I did gave me a good laugh.
All day today I have felt that my underwear has felt odd. I haven't worn this pair, nor a similar pair, in a little while. The fabric is more mesh-like or lace-like than the more smooth cloth-like ones I have. Thus, I assumed the oddness perception must be due to the difference in material that I had subjected myself too.
I have been having some difficulties with my dyspepsia over the last few days, mainly due to the increased stress levels, so instead of eating my way throw stress, I've been drinking milk and water through my stress, which is probably the healthier of the two options. However, I do not have a bladder with the largest capacity so I have probably gone to the bathroom 10-15 times through the span of the day. It was not until about 10pm, when I was once again in the washroom that I looked at my underwear and noticed that the little tag was in the front... odd, I don't remember the tag being in the front...
ding ding ding - light bulb goes on
Oh my gosh - I have my underwear on backwards.
Now this in and of itself seems somewhat humorous - especially since I went a day without figuring this out.
However, the in my opinion, the story becomes more funny.
You see - I'm not wearing your typical full back pair of underwear - oh no..... so the little strip of material that is supppose to be posterior - is definitely anterior... and the portion that usually nicely covers the front is definitely trying to attempt to make itself appear to be a full back.
Smooth Paula... smooth.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Superman says - let them eat cake!

Last night I finally got to have a piece of my wonderful Diary Queen Ice Cream Cake... yummy!!! This year the design was a stain glass look - just as much gel as they could put on top!! That is quite possibly my favourite part.
I didn't have candles lit to blow though --- so instead, my mom reached into the kitchen drawer and lit the BBQ lighter - we sang probably the faster version of happy bday and made it look like I blew out the BBQ lighter! It was entertaining - maybe you had to be there.
This morning though I noticed that something in my foot wasn't quite right - guess who has more glass in foot!! I had stepped on glass (for the second time) the other day but I didn't think it broke skin --- but it looks like it may have - and so now the parts left in my foot are trying to push through - we (my mom and I) tried to get it out with her nursing tools - but we can't see the little bugger... so my foot is all wrapped up again (as we cut it open...couldn't use the freezing technique)... so I hope it comes out on its own - and soon!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Natural Diaster or sewage flood - I need Superman!

Yesterday (Thursday) was not my favourite day.
Class wasn't my idea of fun. I dislike feeling stupid, and class yesterday made me feel head over heels stupid. The concepts we were talking about I was lacking the capibility to grasp and comprehend. (personal note - I enjoy that I used the word "grasp" in the previous sentence as my class deals with prehension - the movements of grasping and reaching!)... As the three hour class crept closer and closer to completion - my stomach increased in levels of pain and knots. I thought I was going to "up chuck" before getting up out of my seat... but I made it through (and in the end as I learned today - the class helped me thus far understand my readings for next week... hopefully that continues)
After class though I didn't want to stay at school any more so I headed out for home (Windsor house).
Upon arriving home and venturing to the basement, where my room is, I come across a surprising finding, one that wasn't very pleasing. I cannot walk to my room. Its not that I lost my ability to walk, my gait was intact, but the floor was not easily accessible as it was submerged under a certain amount of water. Well - I can't say water - because that paints too pretty of a picture. You see - the tree roots from our neighbours front yard tree decided to compress and impact upon our sewage pipe, so much so that the pipe gave way and burst. The sewage water --- into our basement. YAH!!! So I bailed stinky, gross, discoloured, and freezing cold sewage water until about 10pm. I had one roomate of four help me. One of the remainging two had an exam - and the other didn't want to go near the icky gross water.
The landlord got there when he could - he tore out the carpet in my room and helped us try to do what we could for the night (the city and plumber couldn't come until the next morning)...thankfully nothing in my room was damaged that I owned - but the floors and walls and screwed!
Also on a nice note - Matt offered to come over and help bail water with me and Ariana - but when he got there we had been bailing for over 5 hours so I was tired - so instead he took me out for a nice warm drink...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

As my mom likes to say "the anxiety of my birthday" is over. My birthday hasn't even come yet - but for arguments sake its been celebrated. It was done at a restaurant - a public place - so I could not get angered or upset. I was actually pretty good about it. I don't mind celebrating my brithday - the intent was not to ignore it completely, there are just so many other things happening this sunday that I didn't want nor need any extra attention....for more reasons then just one. A huge reason though is my sister.
My sister, in her good old fashion style that is but her own - still was able to take the focus off of me and on to her. She had pictures of herself with the staff at the restaurant we were at last night - people she had never met before....people who I had previously met and were the reason we went to that particular restaurant in the first place. At my house, my friend had to bring something for her too so she wouldn't feel left out.... all day today its just been me, my mom and my sister and for cripes sake we talk about me for half a second and my sister starts in about her... focus on her.
So imagine if you will, a morning spent with my mom's family, and evening spent with ym dad's family, in which it is all about giving thanks, and being with family, and it just so happens to be my birthday so I may get an extra card or hug here or there, or an extra telephone call - who is going to freak out and have an attention attack - my sister. Even though my birthday is "out of the way" now - its still going to happen.
Last night the conversation of weddings came up and my sister said there are two weddings she is going to be a bridesmaid at - my brothers and mine - to which I jokingly said that I actually wanted Laura to be my flower girl - she said no - that wasn't going to happen, she is going to be my bridesmaid because that way she can give a speech in front of everyone, so she can have some of the attention too - because its her special day as her sister (or brother) is getting married.
I get that maybe she doesn't know better and you think I'm being harsh - but the thing is my sister isn't stupid - she's really smart and she knows how to push people's buttons to get the attention - or whatever else it is she wants.... she asks my mom if she did anything wrong - and my mom said no - of course not. Well I disagree - because that in my sister's mind is just premission to keep doing what she always does. Pardon me for being immature with this maybe - I can only take so much of it! This a prime reason why my birthdays in the past were horrible - because my sister would get the attention, I'd say something and then I would get a slap across the head, get told I was just a greedy spoiled girl who should know better so maybe I shouldn't have a birthday at all if I'm going to act that way.... yelled at some more and then sent to my room.
So forgive me for not wanting to acknowledge my birthday this weekend - its a prime time for everyone to pay attention to my sister, which is fine - I don't care... but I don't want it to be because she feels she needs to take it away from me - I'm fine... I know who my family and friends are, I know they love and care for me - I don't need a special day - and even moreso I don't need that take overshadowed and taken away by my sister who "just doesn't know any better".
Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to Lesley. Happy birthday to anyone else born on the 8th of October. Happy birthday to everyone - because you know what I'm glad you're alive, I'm glad your parents came together to bring you into this world - I'm glad you are you, I'm glad you are alive - and for those in my life, I'm glad you are in my life.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Love is in the air.... at subway

About once a week I will buy my lunch somewhere rather than make one and bring it to school, or the more common option work right through lunch.
Today I went to subway.
During my visit to the restaurant, I was informed that the lady serving me was going on a first date later in the day. She was previously married for 20 years, as children the ages of 21, 16 and 14, and is around 40 years of age. She was so nervous about the night that she was going to have. I had a pleasant conversation with her, to try and calm her nerves. I was thinking to myself that I was not the person really to be giving advice, my dating history is not overly expansive, however she seemed to enjoy our chat, and so did I.
I will definitely have to stop in next week on her shift and see how things went for her!!!
I hope she has a fun night...

Monday, October 02, 2006

with Superman as an exception....

I'd just like to say that boys are stupid. The male species makes no sense! They are convuloted. Grrr.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Three posts in one day - holy Superman!

So I have just over 15 minutes left in the epdisode of Extreme Makeover - Home Edition. I use to love watching this show all the time mainly with my mom - but where my mom is my dad was sure to follow ---- and now I find myself fighting to watch it - We didn't need any help when we moved and built our new house - but I was so angry for the move. Up until recently, the move was the hardest thing in my life I ever had to endure. But the move and house had a purpose. The move made my mom closer to her family so she could keep her sanity. The move did confuse my dad, and did set him back a bit - but the more laid back atmosphere and lifestyle saved him a lot of stress. The house was also built so my dad wouldn't have to worry about house obstacles like a lot of stairs - and so my sister could sort of have her own apartment in the basement. Although I know the move has helped my mom tremendously - especially in the times of her step-dad's death, and well now my dad's death - and the house and area of town is growing on me - I do miss the way things were back in Whitby, I miss my the comfort of my home, and I miss the famaliarity of it all.... but at the same time - I know I cannot live in the past - I should only remember it

Laura would like to add...

My sister would like to add that not only did my Colts beat New York - but the Toronto Blue Jays (baseball) beat New York as well in a 7-5 victory... a sad day for New York - but definitely brighten our Sunday here in Corunna! Sorry New York - maybe next week when you aren't playing our teams.

My side note - I think a New York Jets player may have been injured on the last play of the game - the news report flipped over to the Baltimore game so I didn't see... so I hope he wasn't injured but thats he's A-OK.

Superman and me talk football!

What an exciting game! Chad Pennington's Jets against Payton Manning's Colts... woowee!
Both teams played and moved the ball really well - it was definitely a game of offense against offense - both teams left defense at home! But man - it was an exciting game... there was always something happening, and if the game was five minutes longer, the outcome may have been different!!!
I was impressed that the Colts were having a good ground game - Payton usually likes to put the ball in the air - but the amount of rushing yards they had was really refreshing to see - especially since it was working for them! And even to see Payton's excitement in the game - the emotion he had - he even spiked the ball after a touchdown - Payton - who knew he even knew how to do that!!!
There were a few times there that I thought the Jets had us. The last TD they had - running the field on a return - oh it mad my stomach turn! But with the two minutes left to see Payton get his guys to the other end and score - we were back on top.... BUT THEN... the very last play of the game, the Jets fight to keep the ball alive by constantly throwing it to the next guy on the line to try and get towards their end zone - I thought they might actually pull it off!!! I would have said well done if they had scored - but thankfully instead my Colts continue yet again to be undefeated going 4-0. I take pride in my Colts being undefeated during regular season play, because all Colt fans need to be realistic and understand that when we get to the playoffs within the first or second playoff game Payton will choke and we will never see the ring!
But it was a great game!
Now off to watch Cinanniti and New England....oh yeah, and do some homework - and cook dinner for mom and Laura... oh football....