Why the world needs superman

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

dah rim

hahaha - its my favourite time of year.
No not RSP season - I'll be happy when that is over so it no longer seems like a full moon at work!
But its "roll up the rim to win" time at Snot Roh Mits (read backwards).
When I'm home and my mom visits the aforemention venue - she asks "Do you want anything from Tims?"
Oh no - not Monday.
Monday she asks "You want a rim?"
And I knew what that meant! -- this is clearly the more pathetic point!

This time of year definitely makes me increase my drink purchases at Tims. Gimmics and slogans work on me - I love the beavers from Bell... I love the zoom zoom of Mazda - and I just can't say no to a roll up the rim cup! hahaha - and the duck from Aflac just makes me laugh! But I don't have (at least not currently) anything to do with Alfac.... well I don't have a Mazda either come to think of it..... hmmmmm.... lack of money strikes again!

In 2007, prior to this week, I have probably had maybe a handful of French Vanillas from Tims. In the last two days - 4. Of those 4 how many rims have I rolled up and won something - zero. Thats the worst rim streak I've had - 0/4.

Tonight I shall be given another cup - here's hoping the big prize is with the five~

Thursday, February 22, 2007

yet another reason why we (I) need "superman"

I drove my roommate Ariana to the train station today so she could embark on her spring break adventures. When I returned to the house I noticed my other roommates were also all gone and that I had the dwelling to myself. At first I was quite saddened by being alone - I lived there all summer without a roommate - but the last time I was there by myself well - my family situation altered a bit.
However, not too long after two of my roommates returned as they do not leave until Friday.
One roommate and I after all other plans for the evening fell through decided to stay in and watch a movie. I chose Cheaper By the Dozen 2. WHY you may ask. Simple. 1) its an enjoyable comedy that you can sit back, watch and be entertained without too much effort whatsoever. 2) Tom Welling.
I had not seen this movie until last night but I had seen the first of the series and enjoyed it because Tom Welling is the second oldest child - and he didn't disappoint - he appeared in the second film as well. Sadly he wasn't in every second of every scene but I suppose that would have thrown the plot of the movie off.
TONIGHT - I also get to have a nice fill of Tom Welling. It is Thursday which means such exciting shows as Grey's Anatomy is on - but my heart throb Tom Welling will be starring as Superman in the television series Smallville. It is just unfortunate that in real life Tom is married to some other individual (clearly not as worthy as I am though! hahaha) and the odds of me ever meeting him are slim to ziltch... but the fact remains that I enjoy having this Superman in my life because he helps me to forget about my worries, forget all my cares just for a little bit - and that break sometimes means more than one can tell.

Monday, February 19, 2007

True Story

My mom told me a story about some people she knows.
This woman who lives at the nursing home my mom works at is always visited by her husband and there dog. Sadly on Feb. 7th 2007 her husband passed away. Although the nursing home has been under lockdown the lady was able to go to her husbands funeral. On Feb. 14th 2007 (aka Valentine's Day) she walked up to one of the staff members and asked what day it was - and she informed her of the date and the holiday. The lady replied - "I think I'll go to my sweetheart today".... and sure enough she passed away! I know that two people have now died and it will definitely be difficult on their family and friends - but how sweet of a story is that!!! My mom and I both wondered who has the dog now though!!!

Another thing of the weekend that I heard that I enjoyed. Its about forgiveness. Some say in order to be forgiven you must first believe in sin --- but I think that is only from a religious aspect and does not have to be the case. There are many people who don't follow a religion - and they still do things "wrong" and ask for forgiveness by stating they are sorry. This is the thing that I heard that I liked....

don't forgive with a if (ie: only if you never do it again)
don't forgive with a but (ie: but only when you do this for me)
fully and completely - otherwise you aren't forgiving at all.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Superman brought me chocolates but the dog ate them :(

I just wanted to let both of you know (Sharon and Jen).... you are BOTH the Jenny to my Mark!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


WFS = Windsor Fashion Spotting.
Thats right i've seen another interesting fashion choice.
This one I'm actually surprised I didn't think of when I was younger - well on second thought I do know why I didn't think of it - I didn't have my ears pierced.
So you can imagine that nice introduction clearly means we are going to be talking about socks.
Just kidding
Its actually difficult sometimes to notice someone's earrings when you aren't speaking with them in conversation or standing close to them.
Anyway - this isn't as an exciting find as the boxer wearing girl.....
but the girl I saw while walking to my car after a day at school yesterday was wearing paperclips through her earring holes.
I actually thought it was kinda cool - not necessarily healthy - but an interesting thought nonetheless.
I also wondered if it was painful as the holes in my ears are not thick enough for a paperclip...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

da bearz are da feated

You know when you have the flu - and you get the chills and the body aches mainly due to the fever? Well I have had this feeling for the last two days and cannot seem to shake it! Thus I am fearful that I am coming down with the flu. In an attempt to combat this situation I have been taking vitamins (granted I should takes such things on a regular basis anyway), tyenol, and dimetapp. The last time I had the flu I was hospitalized - and I don't care for that the happen again.... but considering the lack of drugs I can safely consume (pretty all that I can take is listed above) means I have a hard time over coming such ailments... eek!

On to some more interesting news.

The Colts won the superbowl!

Now... considering that during the Colts - Patriots game I was on the edge of my seat the entire game, making my mom not leave the room in fear that it would be bad luck, dancing around and cheering at the top of my lungs, sending out emails exclaiming how they made it to the superbowl moments after the completion of the game, in addition - my excitement over the Colts beating the Ravens in a what can otherwise be described as a boring football game (no TDs..seriously!) which led to me punching the crap out of Brian's arm as we watched the game at the bar - one might assume the overwhelming sense of excitement for the outcomes of this years superbowl - and my nonstop gloating.


I appreciate the win in somewhat silence. I'm proud that my boys won - there were many on the team I feared would retire before ever receiving a ring - which would be a shame since they are some of the best players in the league at the moment. But - my Colts are a team I have cheered on despite the critics claiming they would never get to a superbowl game let alone win one! I somewhat enjoyed that factor of cheering them on - knowing others did not approve or thought I was crazy (just about as crazy as being a Leaf's fan? hahaha). However instead of getting to be excited I am moreso in a state of now what? they've reached the ultimate goal they were striving for - so now what? If they had lost the superbowl - sure that would suck - but at least next year they would return to once again chase their ultimate dream. I get that now they can try and do it for a second year in a row - and maybe that will be an inticing challenge. I'm not saying I'm now going to stop cheering for the Colts and start cheering on oh lets say the Lions (hahaha... yeah right), but their victory in a way seems a bit bitter sweet!

Also - I'm happy that Payton Manning was given the MVP - as he has carried this team for years and is definitely a star and deserves to be recognized. I sadly however feel that this undercuts other important players on the team that also deserve much notice. For example, if i was asked who in the playoffs on the Colts deserved MVP - I actually would not state Manning, but rather I would nominate Rhodes. He did a lot for the team and will continue to do so in my mind - so Rhodes if you randomly read this (as I expect he will not) Good Job! Way To Go!

With the football season coming to an end for yet another day I suppose I should really get this thesis written.... Oh Bother....

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The road to the superbowl...

Today is the big game!
Usually I am really excited to watch the superbowl. My Colts are not typically playing in the game so I usually cheer for a team based on a) them being a team I also enjoy, or b) liking a certain player ont he team, or c) they are the underdog! Except when Phili got to the superbowl because I don't like T. Owens so I don't want whatever team he plays on to go anywhere - no offense to his teammates though....except for the Cowboys the team he is currently on - I've never been a fan of them and him being on the team just really doesn't help the cause.
So usually the superbowl is a great time to sit, chill and watch football.
Today however I am tempted to not even watch the superbowl! I don't know if I can handle it! hahahaha... The excitement of my team possibly winning!....or the hopefully not existant option of them being beat by DDDAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BEARZ (snl reference).
I'll definitely put the game on - but I may have to turn away at times if the excitement (or dare I say the disappointment) is getting to a level more than I can bear!
Sad thing is - whether my Colts win or lose - its just a game - it really has no significance on my life whatsoever in the end.... its not like I've bet on the game, its not like I'm currently married to a player or the coach, and my brother sure as hell at playing no Colt football.... just a team I have enjoyed cheering on since I don't remember when - even though they had a tendency to choke in the playoffs - well that streak is broken and this year - the bowl is all about the colts~!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Superman wears tights

I had to walk to main campus today from my building - its quite the adventure at times. Today was no exception.
I accept the fact that I'm no longer on Western campus - which means that I am not going to walk admist multiple Paris Hilton wannabes - and males who think they are applying to be on the cover of GQ magazine....
I also am not surprised by seeing some interesting expressions through clothing from individuals in the Toronto area. All the power to you.
I can't really comment on clothing myself as my wardrobe is far from spectacular - but I am getting better - moving to Windsor and having the ability to go over and shop in the states more frequently has definitely been a huge help to my clothing styles.
However.... on my way to main campus today I saw two interesting things. The second (I start with the second because I actually don't think it is all that odd, but more of an interesting note - maybe one to bring back to the days of our childhood when our thoughts and ideas roamed free). I was walking on the sidewalk (free of snow).. but the girl coming towards me decided to walk to the side of the sidewalk - and thus walk in the snow. Usually during the day when I have more school hours to survive I don't like to have wet feet - but nonetheless this girl decided to walk through the snow.. good for her. The first! A girl, also walking towards me was wearing one of the more interesting outfits I have seen, and definitely the most interesting one I've seen in Windsor. I'm not sure if it being the season of winter that makes the clothing option better or more odd. I'm not even entirely sure what she was wearing from her waist up - so we won't discuss such details. She had some random boot footwear on - but once again not of prime importance. This girl had on black tights - not nylons, but tights - stockingish. ok - I can accept that - tights/stockings are warmer than nylons in winter - so if wearing a dress or a skirt this may make some sense... but she wasn't wearing a dress, or a skirt. She was wearing black boxers with some sort of pattern on them. Thats right - she was wearing boxers. She had her school bag and stuff - but it does beg to ask the question: did you forget to put your pants on before leaving the house? I know people have dreams about doing such a thing.... and I know midterms are starting - but how do you remember to but on the tights and the boxers and forget the pants. Also - whats then the point of the boxers? Under kilts so you don't see the girls panties... for guys to wear as underwear - but to wear over tights... makes me think she didn't forget her pants at all....hmmmm...