Why the world needs superman

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Superman....Clark Kent.....Cal-L

I've never really had a nickname before.... well not one that I've really ever gone by. The nickname I've been called the most would be Jack. My dad was never the best at remembering names so instead of Laura-Leo-Paula... which I suppose is a bit tricky to say he would exclaim Fred-Harry-Jack. (usually when we were getting ready to leave the house, or when dinner was ready, etc)
For a bit Elaine and I referred to each other as Jill and Jack, respectively. We were to be Jack and Jill in a dance once --- but never got to do so.
In high school once Katrina and I decided to give each other nicknames. She called me runaway. This was because the boys use to run away from me. Flattering I know. But it didn't stick so it doesn't matter.
Jen and I - since our native origin is Frogton became Frigitte and Frogetta. That didn't really stick either. (well not to be verbally called that at least).
A few people throughout university referred to me as P-Diddy ... but sicne someone else now likes to call himself that - I try and avoid it! hahaha.
Tom at Windsor started calling me "P"... and a few people picked up that habbit...which is weird because when yelling "P" down the hallway I wonder if anyone looks around for random urine...at least thats one of the first things I think of. hahaha.
At a conference a few weekends ago someone asked what my name was - but instead of hearing "Paula" correctly --- they thought the person said "Holla"... so for a short two days a few people called me "Holla".
Alright... don't worry there is a point to this...
Tonight while watching an episode of Law and Order my roommate and I started to discuss "Ice T". Its not the drinked iced tea... but its really close. It just makes you wonder why someone wants to be referred to as Ice T. Maybe Mr. T was an idol of his - and his friends said he was cool like Mr. T - or maybe even cooler - so much so that he was "ice".... thus the birth of Ice T. -- I'm sure if I googled it I'd find out - but maybe I'll save that for when I'm looking for somethign to desparately procrastinate with. So the discussion went on about the name - and how it is a beverage and we wondered if it was his favourite drink etc... than this is when the light bulb went off. Now - its probably not customary to give yourself a nickname - but Prince has done it several times - and thats gotta be the reason why he now has a bunch of money because it certainly cannot be for his skills of singing or entertaining. Nonetheless - a new nickname was born. One that seems so fitting. It starts with the letter "P" as my real does. It implies that I'm energetic - or at least peppy. AND - as with Ice T it sounds like one of my favourite drinks. What could this ever cleaver name be?

Monday, March 26, 2007

a revelation of sorts

This one is especially for you guys (Jen and Sharon)...
no it isn't a religious, academic, relationship, etc type of revelation....
however it is one I suppose about my persona -
but it is one that will help explain a lot of things I think.
What things you ask?
Let me list a few.
* Long hair (brown = which is of a dark nature I suppose)
* Top heavy
* Use to purposely have my make-up appear whitish (but in my defense I didn't actually realize how white it made my face - I was just trying to cover everything up -- just didn't have as smart of a method as I thought)

So what can explain such things?
I'm adopted.
No seriously - hear me out.
I think my birth mother is famous - and while pregnant she had to go into hiding so no one knew she was giving birth - and then when she gave birth she had to give the baby (me) away.
Then my awesome parents took me in.
Although I'm still a bit unsure as to who my father is - who knows maybe my adopted dad is my real dad - its just my mom who adopted me!
So who is my mother in this theory.....?
The one
The only
So true.

Ok - so its not true - and I love my parents a ton - but if Elvira was my mom - it might explain a lot!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What do cartoon elephants remind you of?

I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping over the last few nights - to the extent that I literally lay there awake getting upset that I can't fall asleep because I'm so bloody tired. I'll even read to the point where I'm just about to fall asleep - I turn off the light and let my head hit the pillow - and BHAM - I'm wide awake again. However, I have been able to get a few light moments of sleep in - where I'm dreaming - and the dreams have been really random. The night before last I dreamt about being back in Antigua - then in the morning one of the guys from the Antigua trip contacted me - very odd.... But what I'm going to share with you is even more strange than that and probably means I should get checked into an institution of some sort! hahahaha.... I actually did not even realize that it was a dream until this afternoon. I finally emerged from the basement to the main floor level of the house to make myself some lunch. I had not already decided on what the meal was going to consist of - which means I wasn't craving anything...I had something from teh zoodles family. While sitting at the table eating my most extravagant meal (with of course a pepsi!) I was conversing with my roommate about her soon departure to a law school career day. The television was quietly playing in the background as I had tuned in to a soap. At this particular moment though - it was on commercials. The commercial was advertising a product that I fear I do not recall - maybe a cleaning product (which would make stereotypical sense... show a household cleaning product during the commercials of mid-day soaps most often watched by stay-at-home moms and dads who do most of the cleaning around the house!)... nonetheless the thing about the commercial that was like a cold slap across the face with a soft facecloth was the cartoon elephant. It was this elephant, the main character of the commercial that made me realize what happened in my dream was actually a dream and not reality. In my dream my dad was driving our van (which probably should have been the first indication that it was a dream!)... me and my dad were the only constants throughout the dream. A bunch of other people came and went along our journey. My brother and mother were never in the dream as they were "back at the cottage".... my dad adn I were driving around the little town our cottage was in.... I never sat in the co-pilot seat. We were just checking out the area, see what some of the other cottages have done to change their places - and to go look at the ones that were having open houses as they were for sale. I can so vividly at the moment picture some of the moments in my dream. But why would a clue cartoon elephant trigor the realization that none of this was real?... well because at one point while we were driving down a more or less main road in the dream - we drove by a row of houses to our right. In one of these houses my dad pointed out that an elephant was walking through the living room of the house! When in fact on closer look - the occupants were playing a game of sherades - and this guy (assumed to be the father) was able to do a shadow puppet of his entire body that looked like a walking elephant! Who would of thought that wasn't actually possible and not reality!?!?! hahaha

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

a new WFS

I'm not going to remember all the details of this siting - as I had intended on posting it sooner - however the lack of a laptop really does present its problems to me. My roommates are even freaked out with the image of me not sitting in front of a computer...... of laptop fairy please visit me soon with a present!! hahaha
So for the newest addition of WFS (Windsor Fashion Siting)
Ariana and I were in my car on the way back from the grocery store. This girl is crossing the street. She is wearing brown ragged shoes that a rat probably wouldn't even try and make a home in. Yellow and brown horizontal stripe leggings. A long in the back but short in the front wavey sunflower print skirt. A brown tails suit jacket. And I don't recall the rest. Once again I thought (and this time said out loud to my company) "I wish I had a camera"... maybe the laptop fairy will make a visit with the digital camera fairy! hahahaah... probably not :(

Monday, March 05, 2007

you know superman's a redneck when...

Although I was born and raised a city girl - the country girl in me does shine to the surface from time to time....

Here's another reason why sometimes living in the middle of nowhere can be entertaining...
Today I saw Jed.
I've never met Jed before... this would be our first meeting I guess one would say.
Well, no, I guess people wouldn't really say that because we didn't actually meet. I never went up to him and introduced myself, nor did he introduce himself to me. But thats ok, no introduction was needed for me to know that he was Jed.
I had seen him from the back a bit int he distance, and as I slowly over time got closer in proximity to him thats when I first realized he was Jed.
I've often heard stories about people like Jed - but I don't think any of the stories were specifically about him... maybe they were but I never thought to stop and ask the story tellor... mainly because I didn't know about Jed until this faithful night.
I don't even recall making eye contact with him actually...I'm not even sure if he looked my way - he may not have even noticed I was there - but no matter... I noticed him - and that is what makes this story important.
Jed definitely brought a smile to my face tonight - and possibly a bit of a chuckle - you see the reason why I knew I saw Jed tonight was because I was driving in my car along a country road not too far from my house - and came across him in his truck, his red pick up truck... with the Ontario Farmers License Plate personalized to say "JED". Pure redneckness! Nice! You all know he had is buddy Jack Daniel's in the passenger seat, and possibly rover the dog too!

Update on the Snot Roh Mit Rim situation ---- 0/13 :(

Friday, March 02, 2007

Superman - please bring my luck back

Tim Hortons Roll up the Rim to win = 0/10. (My mom and sister combined are like 0/18).... contest has been running for five days. Note - 10 "rims" in five days, thus averaging 2 a day although not a lot for some people - is actually a lot for me when not living at Western - a world where buildings have at least one Snot Roh Mits at your disposal (5-10 minute line wait included).

Maxwell House Online Contest = didn't win.

Bad Weather = no trip to Windsor for Sharon, and no trip to Toronto for Paula.

Price Is Right = watched this show today with my grandmother - not even playing for the chance to win real prizes as I wasn't a true contestant on the show - did I win in make-believe world anyway? NOPE!.... did Nana laugh at me - You bet she did!

Winter Storm + Recycling Day = one lost recycling blue box....one was embedded deep enough in the snow to not take flight with the storm - the other one - who knows if we shall see it again.... so long blue box - it was nice recycling with ya!

Although I cannot truly complain about the happenings in my life this week in comparison to the other things I've lived through and in comparison to other issues current and past that people dwell on === but come on - not even a free donut when the chances are 1 in 9? By the way - if you are hoping to win one of the ipods - your chances are not 1/10000 ... we know a guy who already won one - so your chances are now 1/9999 ... but I'm sure other people have won too....

The biggest disappointment about the rims though this year - you can't win a BBQ! Whats with that? HONESTLY.