Why the world needs superman

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What do cartoon elephants remind you of?

I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping over the last few nights - to the extent that I literally lay there awake getting upset that I can't fall asleep because I'm so bloody tired. I'll even read to the point where I'm just about to fall asleep - I turn off the light and let my head hit the pillow - and BHAM - I'm wide awake again. However, I have been able to get a few light moments of sleep in - where I'm dreaming - and the dreams have been really random. The night before last I dreamt about being back in Antigua - then in the morning one of the guys from the Antigua trip contacted me - very odd.... But what I'm going to share with you is even more strange than that and probably means I should get checked into an institution of some sort! hahahaha.... I actually did not even realize that it was a dream until this afternoon. I finally emerged from the basement to the main floor level of the house to make myself some lunch. I had not already decided on what the meal was going to consist of - which means I wasn't craving anything...I had something from teh zoodles family. While sitting at the table eating my most extravagant meal (with of course a pepsi!) I was conversing with my roommate about her soon departure to a law school career day. The television was quietly playing in the background as I had tuned in to a soap. At this particular moment though - it was on commercials. The commercial was advertising a product that I fear I do not recall - maybe a cleaning product (which would make stereotypical sense... show a household cleaning product during the commercials of mid-day soaps most often watched by stay-at-home moms and dads who do most of the cleaning around the house!)... nonetheless the thing about the commercial that was like a cold slap across the face with a soft facecloth was the cartoon elephant. It was this elephant, the main character of the commercial that made me realize what happened in my dream was actually a dream and not reality. In my dream my dad was driving our van (which probably should have been the first indication that it was a dream!)... me and my dad were the only constants throughout the dream. A bunch of other people came and went along our journey. My brother and mother were never in the dream as they were "back at the cottage".... my dad adn I were driving around the little town our cottage was in.... I never sat in the co-pilot seat. We were just checking out the area, see what some of the other cottages have done to change their places - and to go look at the ones that were having open houses as they were for sale. I can so vividly at the moment picture some of the moments in my dream. But why would a clue cartoon elephant trigor the realization that none of this was real?... well because at one point while we were driving down a more or less main road in the dream - we drove by a row of houses to our right. In one of these houses my dad pointed out that an elephant was walking through the living room of the house! When in fact on closer look - the occupants were playing a game of sherades - and this guy (assumed to be the father) was able to do a shadow puppet of his entire body that looked like a walking elephant! Who would of thought that wasn't actually possible and not reality!?!?! hahaha


At 6:31 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Whoa, that sounds weirddd.


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