Why the world needs superman

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The road to the superbowl...

Today is the big game!
Usually I am really excited to watch the superbowl. My Colts are not typically playing in the game so I usually cheer for a team based on a) them being a team I also enjoy, or b) liking a certain player ont he team, or c) they are the underdog! Except when Phili got to the superbowl because I don't like T. Owens so I don't want whatever team he plays on to go anywhere - no offense to his teammates though....except for the Cowboys the team he is currently on - I've never been a fan of them and him being on the team just really doesn't help the cause.
So usually the superbowl is a great time to sit, chill and watch football.
Today however I am tempted to not even watch the superbowl! I don't know if I can handle it! hahahaha... The excitement of my team possibly winning!....or the hopefully not existant option of them being beat by DDDAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BEARZ (snl reference).
I'll definitely put the game on - but I may have to turn away at times if the excitement (or dare I say the disappointment) is getting to a level more than I can bear!
Sad thing is - whether my Colts win or lose - its just a game - it really has no significance on my life whatsoever in the end.... its not like I've bet on the game, its not like I'm currently married to a player or the coach, and my brother sure as hell at playing no Colt football.... just a team I have enjoyed cheering on since I don't remember when - even though they had a tendency to choke in the playoffs - well that streak is broken and this year - the bowl is all about the colts~!


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