Why the world needs superman

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Although I've never been a fan of the boy bands - I can't state either that I have never sang along to one of their songs, or even danced to them at a bar, in the car, or for different shows. However, if someone were to ask me the type of music I like to listen to - boy bands and pop music definitely do not come to the top of the list.
I also cannot deny the fact that I did have a picture of Nick Carter in my locker at high school. It was not a big picture - just a small one cut from a teenie-bopper magazine. The year they became popular Nick was still a "young guy" and he was blonde. I did have a huge celebrity crush on him. This may explain why I fear compelled to watch his show "House of Carters". Although I feel that via outward appearances Nick has lost a lot of what I use to find attractive - I do think that he has matured some (I say this like I know him personally). But a large portion of what draws me to the show is the sense of pride I have - knowing I didn't turn out like some of his family members. I have been spoiled in numerous ways in my life time - but thankfully I do not think I act like a spoiled brat. And maybe I don't get invited to all the fab parties and I don't have a million friends - I do have the highest quality of friends that money can't by - and I'd prefer to hang out with them in our pjs watching television then getting drunk, making fools of ourselves just so we all can't remember it the next morning.
Nonetheless I still like to daydream back to the days when I was a teenager and enjoyed looking at Nick Carter - those days seem much more simple now that I'm reflecting back.....


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