Why the world needs superman

Friday, December 15, 2006

my tummy hurts

Its almost one thirty in the morning, the vast majority of individuals I know who live in Windsor are out at a bar....so why didn't I go with? I'll tell you. I drove in from Corunna today to attend an ergonomics potluck at my advisors house. It seemed like everyone brought their significant other --- so that kinda sucked - but oh well - no big deal... I know 90% of the people here, and the ones I don't I soon will.... the night continued on and it was ok for the most part, great food, amazing hospitality, etc... then someone brought up school - and thats where the night ended for me. I just couldn't shake the topic from my mind. I can't go into details on here - but it sort of felt like someone stuck a dager in my stomach tonight. In the end - in the grand scheme of things related to life - it is so small it won't even be noticeable - but at the moment - it just sucks - and it really got me down -- which made me so home sick.... home sick in the sense that I really just miss my family and friends so much I dislike it!
Oh well - life shall go on


At 6:59 AM, Blogger Jen said...

New Years is SO SOON. I can't wait to hang out!!

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

YAYAYAYA New Years... It's the 31st, I have it marked in my calendar.


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