Why the world needs superman

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why I'm America's Next Top Model

Although I should have been completely focused on putting together my presentation, as I should still be doing right now - earlier tonight I was watching Top Model while reading some articles. The models were each asked who they thought had the most and least potential to carry on in the competition. Which got me thinking. If I were one of the remaining five and asked to state why I was the best candidate for the top model position - what would I say. I would say that it has been a long road for me to get to the point where I could stand in front of the judges and state that I am the best candidate beyond a shadow of a doubt. That I am an individual who may come with some baggage but I also know that sometimes you need to leave it at the door and carry on. But I'm also not naive - that I realize sometimes you can't shake your baggage at that particular moment - but instead of letting it drag you down - you have to look at it from a different prespective; you need to let that baggage be your fuel.... to let it drive you to succeed despite that it may be an obstacle. I would admit that I didn't know everything yet that there was to know - if I did know everything I wouldn't be standing in front of my superiors making this speech. Rather - admitting that I don't know everything is humbling, and stating that I still have the drive and will to learn is promising. We all have our bad days - but even on the worst of days - you need to not shut your eyes, but open them wider to try and find that one ray of sunshine that is begging to be let in. We need to realize that our past does not haunt us - but makes us stronger. There were several individuals who in my childhood and adolsences made my life more difficult - but the thing is - if I were to see these individuals again today I'd expect one of the following responses 1) for them to act the exact same way and stand by their previous convictions 2) for them to deny that they would ever say such a thing 3) admit that they said those things, but apologize 4) come up with some new and insulting things to say 5) say nothing at all. I'm no longer mad at these people - but I also do not credit them for helping me become the person I am today. Rather I credit those who stood beside and behind me - and sometimes in front of me leading the way. I credit my family and true friends. Friends who didn't turn their backs on me when I said or did something stupid. Friends who weren't afraid to be seen with me in public although my taste in makeup was a bit different. Friends who wouldn't stand for when I spoke unhighly of myself - but rather continuously highlighted positive attributes until I finally started to believe them. Friends who wouldn't let me give up and jump - but rather forced me to snap our of it and fly. I have the most potential to carry on in the competition because I carry with me in my head and heart what my friends and family have kept repeating to me. I have the most potential to be America's next top model because there is no reason why I cannot be... except that I'm not American - and not on the television - but those are minor details! hahaha


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

I am so proud of you!! I think that would be an awesome - and winning speech! You are so eloquent! Good for you Paula, you rock.


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