Why the world needs superman

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We need to thank Mary Poppins!

I like having random theories about things. I have learned that I can be very creative and absolutely random a lot of the time - and this usually brings joy to others -- but I really think they are just trying to figure out if I'm insane or not.
The theory I came up with the other day...
It was raining. I very nicely offered a ride to school to my roommate. This meant I had to drive completely out of my way. As we went to my car and I let her in - then I went to my side and proceeded to get in.. I still had my umbrella out the left side. I turned to my roommate and said - would it not be funny if I held my umbrella out the door like this as we drove down the street? I became quite amused with this and decided to develop it further. It is only natural to think of Mary Poppins when you are holding a black umbrella and the wind is blowing - and of course the handle is actually a bird.. but my theory is - why sun roofs were created. Mary Poppins never drove a car in the movie because she had no place to put her umbrella. Her magic was in the umbrella. SO - after the movie was made, and released - the car people, the Big 3 even - decided to help Mary Poppins out.... they created a hole in the top of the car for her umbrella to go - and thus created the very first, what we have come to know as, the sun roof!!! and over the years it has just continued to be developed and advanced in nature!
What Mary Poppins has done for us! WOW!


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