Why the world needs superman

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I wonder if Superman is Down With Love

Jennifer graduated today! YIPPEE!!! Congrats~ a double congrats to her and her guests at the convocation for sitting there from 10:30am (even though they got there before 9 I believe....or left the house before that time, I'm not sure) until about 1:40pm.... that is one long ceremony!

Tonight my mom and I sat on the couches and watched a money on television entitled "Down Wtih Love" ... I really enjoyed this movie. It was most clever in the way it was written, an intriguing story line, although I wasn't overly happy with the ending - but all in all it was a feel good movie! So - if you are having a lazy day at home, or want a bonding experience with your mom - rent "Down With Love"... its a good one.


At 6:42 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

ahhhh you bonded with your mom!! that's a fairly good replacement for watching Sharon snooze through SNL on a Saturday night! It sounds really familiar, but I can't recall if I've seen it. But I can assure you, my mom & I have never sat down and watched a movie together. However, Talon did cuddle with my shoulder last night as we watched Harry Potter 2 which was also on tv, until way past his bedtime.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Jen said...

A money, eh?

And thank you :) I really am hoping that you're right, and for the next one we'll both be doctors together!

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Paula said...

oh yeah the phrase "a movie" is so old school... like hello 1980s calling... its all about watching a money...for real yo! hahaha


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