Why the world needs superman

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dale was our superman tonight!

I was out with Ariana, Zahra and Yasin for brunch this morning as Zahra and Yasin were passing through Windsor. While out eating we got a phone call from Andrea - she told me there was a critter in the bathroom vent and she turned it on and thinks it broke - We're thinking there was a creepy crawler in there - and couldn't really figure how a bug breaks the vent... after returning home we soon learn that it was actually thought to be a squirrel. Then it was thought to be a bat. I then went into the bathroom to check out the situation - part of the critter was hanging through the vent - definitely a birds wing - so not a squirrel and not a bat. At around midnight while talking with Dale via msn (he lives with us but upstairs) he kindly offers to come and take a look. We decided that we are going to try and get the bird out because although it is alive - it may die over night, start making things smell, and influence maggots to come. So we open the vent and the bird flies out - we shut the door. The bird is trapped in the bathroom. We decide we are going to try and chase him out of the house. We all take our posts - Dale by the bathroom door (as he is currently holding the door closed)... me in the kitchen - Ariana in her room and Andrea in her room. Andrea was hiding - Ariana was holding her room door closed as it doesn't close properly but was coming out once the bird was past her room. So we open the door. Nothing. Open it a bit more... nothing. I'm going in. I get down real low and start inching towards the bathroom - and I can't seem to see the bird anywhere - but it has to be there.. I start to think maybe its in the bathtub... oh no - its perched on the lights. We turned off the lights - didn't flutter. Turned them back on - stationary. So we decide to influence it out with the help of a broom. Dale hits it - the bird comes flying... mind you it is injured andhalf blind due to the vent being turned on it at the beginning of the day - but it still held its own - oh yeah - and the fact that it was scared. The bird comes flying out - over Dales head, around the hallway wall - past the kitchen and into the living room where I then go about sweeping it our into the main hallway - door closed... AH CRAP... flew up the stairs on the way to Dales part of the house... thank goodness he closed the door - and the other guys aren't home to open the door. So we decide we are going to scare it down to the front door where Ariana will be holding it open. Andrea stays safe in the living room behind the closed door. Ariana goes and holds the door, Dale and I with our brooms in hand head towards the staircase.. oh - the bird isn't up high - its sitting on the step. Dale pats the birds bum with the broom and it comes flying in my direction I hold the broom up with the hopes it gets the hint I want it to go out the door - as I didn't not want to actually hit the bird... thankfully the bird can read the mind of a human and understood my wishes! He flew out the door - got distracted by the porch light - but soon released he could fly to freedom.
Our job is done. We saved him from dieing in the vent. We bid him farewell and hope that his travels treat him well out there is this cruel cruel cruel world of ours.


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

Such a great diversion from work -- rich fun description of your eventful bird fun.


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