Why the world needs superman

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I like to eat eat eat, apples and bananas....

So yesterday I had the strangest craving I think I have ever had. Having random food cravings is normal for me - but this time it was odd. I was craving cooked brussel sprouts! Seriously, who does that!?@!? Now, since I am not an avid individual who dines on the cuisine of brussel sprouts, I did not happen to have any in my home - nor do I think I have ever purchased some. So what do I make myself for a snack instead... well of course the most obvious solution.... popcorn.

I wake up this morning - I don't have a craving but I need to eat something. Its nine in the morning so it is too early for a hotdog. I look around the kitchen - I decide on a carrot. My roommate was quite amused. About 20 minutes later I was still hungry - which normally wouldn't phase me - but since I have class until 4pm I need to make sure my hunger pains are all gone because it will be a long time again before I get to venture back into foodland (and by this I am not refering to the grocery store but rather a parallel universe where one can be surrounded by glorious food!). So.. the carrot for breakfast wasn't going to last until 4pm. Why not enjoy a typical Paula Breakfast??? So I got myself a chocolate pudding. Once again the roommate was very amused. So it is now 10 something and have to really leave for school - but before I do so - I'm making myself that hotdog. Nine in the morning seemed to early for one, but after that clock strikes ten - fair game!

Oh - and Jen-Sharon... no worries christmas dinner will not contain hot dogs... although they might just be my speciality! hahahaha

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dale was our superman tonight!

I was out with Ariana, Zahra and Yasin for brunch this morning as Zahra and Yasin were passing through Windsor. While out eating we got a phone call from Andrea - she told me there was a critter in the bathroom vent and she turned it on and thinks it broke - We're thinking there was a creepy crawler in there - and couldn't really figure how a bug breaks the vent... after returning home we soon learn that it was actually thought to be a squirrel. Then it was thought to be a bat. I then went into the bathroom to check out the situation - part of the critter was hanging through the vent - definitely a birds wing - so not a squirrel and not a bat. At around midnight while talking with Dale via msn (he lives with us but upstairs) he kindly offers to come and take a look. We decided that we are going to try and get the bird out because although it is alive - it may die over night, start making things smell, and influence maggots to come. So we open the vent and the bird flies out - we shut the door. The bird is trapped in the bathroom. We decide we are going to try and chase him out of the house. We all take our posts - Dale by the bathroom door (as he is currently holding the door closed)... me in the kitchen - Ariana in her room and Andrea in her room. Andrea was hiding - Ariana was holding her room door closed as it doesn't close properly but was coming out once the bird was past her room. So we open the door. Nothing. Open it a bit more... nothing. I'm going in. I get down real low and start inching towards the bathroom - and I can't seem to see the bird anywhere - but it has to be there.. I start to think maybe its in the bathtub... oh no - its perched on the lights. We turned off the lights - didn't flutter. Turned them back on - stationary. So we decide to influence it out with the help of a broom. Dale hits it - the bird comes flying... mind you it is injured andhalf blind due to the vent being turned on it at the beginning of the day - but it still held its own - oh yeah - and the fact that it was scared. The bird comes flying out - over Dales head, around the hallway wall - past the kitchen and into the living room where I then go about sweeping it our into the main hallway - door closed... AH CRAP... flew up the stairs on the way to Dales part of the house... thank goodness he closed the door - and the other guys aren't home to open the door. So we decide we are going to scare it down to the front door where Ariana will be holding it open. Andrea stays safe in the living room behind the closed door. Ariana goes and holds the door, Dale and I with our brooms in hand head towards the staircase.. oh - the bird isn't up high - its sitting on the step. Dale pats the birds bum with the broom and it comes flying in my direction I hold the broom up with the hopes it gets the hint I want it to go out the door - as I didn't not want to actually hit the bird... thankfully the bird can read the mind of a human and understood my wishes! He flew out the door - got distracted by the porch light - but soon released he could fly to freedom.
Our job is done. We saved him from dieing in the vent. We bid him farewell and hope that his travels treat him well out there is this cruel cruel cruel world of ours.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why I'm America's Next Top Model

Although I should have been completely focused on putting together my presentation, as I should still be doing right now - earlier tonight I was watching Top Model while reading some articles. The models were each asked who they thought had the most and least potential to carry on in the competition. Which got me thinking. If I were one of the remaining five and asked to state why I was the best candidate for the top model position - what would I say. I would say that it has been a long road for me to get to the point where I could stand in front of the judges and state that I am the best candidate beyond a shadow of a doubt. That I am an individual who may come with some baggage but I also know that sometimes you need to leave it at the door and carry on. But I'm also not naive - that I realize sometimes you can't shake your baggage at that particular moment - but instead of letting it drag you down - you have to look at it from a different prespective; you need to let that baggage be your fuel.... to let it drive you to succeed despite that it may be an obstacle. I would admit that I didn't know everything yet that there was to know - if I did know everything I wouldn't be standing in front of my superiors making this speech. Rather - admitting that I don't know everything is humbling, and stating that I still have the drive and will to learn is promising. We all have our bad days - but even on the worst of days - you need to not shut your eyes, but open them wider to try and find that one ray of sunshine that is begging to be let in. We need to realize that our past does not haunt us - but makes us stronger. There were several individuals who in my childhood and adolsences made my life more difficult - but the thing is - if I were to see these individuals again today I'd expect one of the following responses 1) for them to act the exact same way and stand by their previous convictions 2) for them to deny that they would ever say such a thing 3) admit that they said those things, but apologize 4) come up with some new and insulting things to say 5) say nothing at all. I'm no longer mad at these people - but I also do not credit them for helping me become the person I am today. Rather I credit those who stood beside and behind me - and sometimes in front of me leading the way. I credit my family and true friends. Friends who didn't turn their backs on me when I said or did something stupid. Friends who weren't afraid to be seen with me in public although my taste in makeup was a bit different. Friends who wouldn't stand for when I spoke unhighly of myself - but rather continuously highlighted positive attributes until I finally started to believe them. Friends who wouldn't let me give up and jump - but rather forced me to snap our of it and fly. I have the most potential to carry on in the competition because I carry with me in my head and heart what my friends and family have kept repeating to me. I have the most potential to be America's next top model because there is no reason why I cannot be... except that I'm not American - and not on the television - but those are minor details! hahaha

Monday, November 20, 2006

What do you think about that?

I had a good weekend I think.
Saturday I got to attend a wedding.....I was the date of an ex-boyfriend, and it was his sister who was getting married. There is some history behind me and him, as well as between his family in general - so I wasn't sure how things were going to be. Everyone knew who I was when I got there though - either because they've met me before - or through process of elimination I suppose. I didn't even think before going to the wedding that I might have a difficult time at the event. The mother of the bride passed away when we were about ten years old - cancer. So they had done some things in her memory throughout the wedding... and I didn't see it coming so that was a bit hard to swallow. I wanted to leave the room so badly when the father of the bride gave his speech - but we were seated at the table next to the head table - so I had to sit my way through it... but when it came time for the bride and her dad to dance - I was gone! I excused myself to return at a later time. I became very quiet and in my own little world for about 20 minutes after that - and it was the father of my ex's neighbour who pulled me on the dance floor and snapped me out of my daze - and the rest of the night was a blast.
The next day - the wedding reception was still going - but we left around 1pm. I met up with other friends who didn't live too far away and enjoyed some quick catch-up. On the way back to Windsor I made a quick stop in at Sharons (which was good because I had to pee and I'm not a fan of public washrooms!)
However, Sharon was very very very tired - and thus I was perceived as a stand-up comic!
We discussed who people don't understand what I do in school and thus assume that I design and build planes - we discussed how the EMU suits astronauts wear are attached to the shuttle via a hook - we discussed how my roommate likes to social work me - and we discussed how I like frogs and thats why Jen and I are friends. Doesn't sound so funny written there - but if you heard the context of the conversation - you may have also found it funny. We couldn't stop laughing about this idea of having a social worker on every plane ride you ever go on - and it would just be the head of the social worker in what looked like a microwave - yeah - I think you had to be there - but it kept me laughing until about Chatham which provided me with some energy to stay awake!
I haven't been very productive today - so I'm off to try and change that!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Row Row Row Your Boat?

First year anatomy class...
what are we learning? anatomy you say? NOPE!!!
We are singing Row row row your boat in a four part round!
I can't believe this is happening says Janice!!!
I'm bringing my video camera next class!

Monday, November 13, 2006

What is your fortune?

So I am currently sitting in class (shhh...) and I turn to Janice and pull out a fortune cookie from within my purse. She laughs and says "I think that is the funniest thing I've seen anyone pull from their purse" -- clearly she hasn't watched Mary Poppins!
Well - fortune cookies not only are a nice little snack to eat ( at ten o'clock in the morning!) but they also come with a fortune.
I break the cookie and read my fortune --- "A business trip will bring you excellent results" ...
great - but that sucks - I don't really go on business trips - seems like a wasted fortune - but good ole Janice turns it all around.
I forgot the rule
What rule you say
The rule that states after reading your fortune you must include to additional words " in bed"
Thus my fortune now says....

A business trip will bring you excellent results in bed

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Jay Leno

I just caught a little bit of Jay Leno tonight - and I got the impression that "Ask the fruit cake lady" has passed away... she was an elderly lady that people would ask questions to - and her answers were just awesome! She put up with no crap - and had no problem telling it like it is.
I think my nana should be the "ask the fruit cake lady" - I think she'd fit the role so perfectly!!!
Just my thought

We need to thank Mary Poppins!

I like having random theories about things. I have learned that I can be very creative and absolutely random a lot of the time - and this usually brings joy to others -- but I really think they are just trying to figure out if I'm insane or not.
The theory I came up with the other day...
It was raining. I very nicely offered a ride to school to my roommate. This meant I had to drive completely out of my way. As we went to my car and I let her in - then I went to my side and proceeded to get in.. I still had my umbrella out the left side. I turned to my roommate and said - would it not be funny if I held my umbrella out the door like this as we drove down the street? I became quite amused with this and decided to develop it further. It is only natural to think of Mary Poppins when you are holding a black umbrella and the wind is blowing - and of course the handle is actually a bird.. but my theory is - why sun roofs were created. Mary Poppins never drove a car in the movie because she had no place to put her umbrella. Her magic was in the umbrella. SO - after the movie was made, and released - the car people, the Big 3 even - decided to help Mary Poppins out.... they created a hole in the top of the car for her umbrella to go - and thus created the very first, what we have come to know as, the sun roof!!! and over the years it has just continued to be developed and advanced in nature!
What Mary Poppins has done for us! WOW!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

mac n' cheese for breakfast/lunch!

Its about a quarter to eleven in the monring. I woke up this morning with the intent of following my morning routine and off to school. I followed about 80% of my morning routine - then decided I wasn't going to go to school as early as originally planned. Instead, I had a craving for mac n' cheese. So I started to prepare some, and promptly at 10:30 am I began eating my mac n' cheese. 10:30! 10:30! I guess this really shouldn't surprise the girl who enjoys pepsi and chocolate pudding for breakie every morning (which I did not do today). I've also had shephard's pie before at nine in the morning. The myth usually goes to say that pregnant women get cravings --- I'm not even pregnant and I get cravings for random things at random hours.... I may be in trouble.
One sec - the mailman just came!!

.... fliers... not even exciting fliers --- but the mailman had on a nice red toque - but I don't think that is going to go over well for him because its raining out....

I get to go back into my room tonight!!! yeah!!! after sleeping on my matress pulled out on the floor at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the basement - I'm looking forward to having my room again! The floor isn't even though - the flood apparently did some damage to the cement floor - and it was just so uneven - they did they best they could.... but I have a feeling this unevenness may be cause for some frustration - but I'll deal....could be worse.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I might be certifiable

Maybe I'm too nice - but it makes me sad that they have sentenced Sadam to death by hanging. I'm not saying that he hasn't done wrong in his life --- but what makes it just for people to decide he should die - and let alone by hanging. Shouldn't then the people who make that judgement be judge? I suppose I'm just against the death penalty. I just don't get where "we" get off being allowed to cut someone's life short. There are so many people who die as it is before we expect them too - why force someone to that. I sadly would wish that he would have a heart attack and die the day before he was set to hang - because then at least it was moreso of natural causes and not at the doing of someone else. I can't even imagine being the person that releases the board, or ties the rope - or causes the actually hanging to take place - I just couldn't live with myself.
I know I've killed many bugs in my life time - and I suppose killing a bug is ending its life early - especially since they also have families too I suppose... but there is a spider in my bathroom, I call him Shirely (yeah I know, I need help! ahaha)... but he's been there for about two weeks in the same spot... and he doesn't bother me - so I don't bother him --- I do wonder how long he is going to live without eating though - how long can a spider survive? will it starve? I almost feel as if I should provide Shirely with something to eat - but I figure he's smart enough to know how to survive... ok enough of my insanity now!