Why the world needs superman

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Is your book a face?

This is a site that I remember joining about three or four years ago while attending school at Western. I even remember who first told me about it. Certain individuals a part of the USC were attempting to use it as a way to stay connected and post information about events and such. There were about five of us that joined - ok well maybe there were more than five of us - but I only had 4-5 people on my contacts list! That has definitely changed over the last 6-7 months as the popularity of facebook has seemed to grow enormously. It does provide a great way to procrastinate when you should be doing numerous other things - but at the same time I think that other people take it too seriously. Personally I think that I have too many "friends" on my list. All the people on my list are people I know - however some of them are people that I have not talked to in a long time - but I feel bad "rejecting" someone - or "deleting" them - just because I don't talk to them on a regular basis (I have this same problem with my msn list). However, there has been another benefit to this new phenomenon that I quite appreciate. I have been able to reconnect with individuals with whom I went to high school and elementary school with. If I wanted to contact them so badly why didn't I contact them through other means you ask? Fair enough --- a lot of the people who I have be reunited with are actually people I have thought of often but did not know how to contact them - especially if they were female because as it is turning out - they have married and their last names have changed - yet these are people that I spent all my time with while growing up - and I don't just mean at school - outside of school too! So I enjoy this aspect - and thank technology for yet finding another method for people to stay connected and not having to rely on the old horse and carriage methods of traveling - then again - in the "golden days" --- you didn't move far away - you didn't lose contact with these people - so there was no need to have technology to say connected --- so maybe we really aren't better off in that frame of speaking --- who knows!!! (other than Superman that is - he knows everything - what would we do without him!)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

38-34!!! 38-34!!!!



In a game possible more exciting than the actual superbowl will be - Manning and the Colts beat Brady and the Patriots! I"M SO EXCITED

I also called Chicago as the NFC champions - so I'm very proud of them for making it too - but I hope they get their butts beat by my Colts!


Monday, January 15, 2007

two days longer

not a good day
last year the "deaths" began Jan 13th...
this year went two days longer... Jan 15th - but hopefully this isn't the start of trend... sorry for the short post - mom just came home - haven't seen her yet - this might not go well...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Although I've never been a fan of the boy bands - I can't state either that I have never sang along to one of their songs, or even danced to them at a bar, in the car, or for different shows. However, if someone were to ask me the type of music I like to listen to - boy bands and pop music definitely do not come to the top of the list.
I also cannot deny the fact that I did have a picture of Nick Carter in my locker at high school. It was not a big picture - just a small one cut from a teenie-bopper magazine. The year they became popular Nick was still a "young guy" and he was blonde. I did have a huge celebrity crush on him. This may explain why I fear compelled to watch his show "House of Carters". Although I feel that via outward appearances Nick has lost a lot of what I use to find attractive - I do think that he has matured some (I say this like I know him personally). But a large portion of what draws me to the show is the sense of pride I have - knowing I didn't turn out like some of his family members. I have been spoiled in numerous ways in my life time - but thankfully I do not think I act like a spoiled brat. And maybe I don't get invited to all the fab parties and I don't have a million friends - I do have the highest quality of friends that money can't by - and I'd prefer to hang out with them in our pjs watching television then getting drunk, making fools of ourselves just so we all can't remember it the next morning.
Nonetheless I still like to daydream back to the days when I was a teenager and enjoyed looking at Nick Carter - those days seem much more simple now that I'm reflecting back.....