Is your book a face?
This is a site that I remember joining about three or four years ago while attending school at Western. I even remember who first told me about it. Certain individuals a part of the USC were attempting to use it as a way to stay connected and post information about events and such. There were about five of us that joined - ok well maybe there were more than five of us - but I only had 4-5 people on my contacts list! That has definitely changed over the last 6-7 months as the popularity of facebook has seemed to grow enormously. It does provide a great way to procrastinate when you should be doing numerous other things - but at the same time I think that other people take it too seriously. Personally I think that I have too many "friends" on my list. All the people on my list are people I know - however some of them are people that I have not talked to in a long time - but I feel bad "rejecting" someone - or "deleting" them - just because I don't talk to them on a regular basis (I have this same problem with my msn list). However, there has been another benefit to this new phenomenon that I quite appreciate. I have been able to reconnect with individuals with whom I went to high school and elementary school with. If I wanted to contact them so badly why didn't I contact them through other means you ask? Fair enough --- a lot of the people who I have be reunited with are actually people I have thought of often but did not know how to contact them - especially if they were female because as it is turning out - they have married and their last names have changed - yet these are people that I spent all my time with while growing up - and I don't just mean at school - outside of school too! So I enjoy this aspect - and thank technology for yet finding another method for people to stay connected and not having to rely on the old horse and carriage methods of traveling - then again - in the "golden days" --- you didn't move far away - you didn't lose contact with these people - so there was no need to have technology to say connected --- so maybe we really aren't better off in that frame of speaking --- who knows!!! (other than Superman that is - he knows everything - what would we do without him!)