Why the world needs superman

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Possibly shameful to admit

Paris Hilton.
She is the topic of many conversations over the past few years. Lots of "Western Girls" attempt to be Miss Hilton herself. Thankfully I was not one of them.
Paris Hilton has made herself a name in the world of the media - I would probably aim to guess more not-so-positive thoughts and judgements on her.
When I first heard that she was going to make an album - I thought it was a joke, April Fools or any other day - joke. Well - she actually made one.
I was watching some news thing on the television last night and decided to listen in on the segment devoted to Paris Hilton's newest career choice - music.
I was expecting to be able to get a nice little chuckle out of the segment - instead, my jaw pretty much hit the floor. Paris Hilton's c.d. does not sound all that bad. Some of the songs have a catching beat - her voice isn't whiney or horrible, and some of the lyrics aren't half bad either. Oh my gosh what on earth is happening to the world as we know it?
Well - I can't say whether or not she'll make this a long-winded career or not - but she definitely has at least one checkmark in my books beside her name now - she did something that wasn't complete crap. Maybe that just proves there is hope for the world afterall - that we all can accomplish something half-decent...
Who would have thunk it? Not this dutch girl - oh well... I'm sure I'll be surprised again....


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