Why the world needs superman

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

An observation

This will be a short post - I have lots of thoughts in my head that I could type but I just can't at the moment.
I was looking back at my past posts and realized in almost every single one I mention death or a funeral that I was about to go to or had just gone too....
So maybe I should change the name of my blog to "Who's funeral is is anyway?"


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

Is that supposed to be funny - cuz I'm laughing out loud at work... that's pretty funny. Maybe that's why the world needs superman?? To help with all the funerals? I don't know Paula - you are certainly the epitome of strength lately, and I am especially proud of your ability to maintain composure, allow others to lean, and continue forging on, despite your own grieving. You rock.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Paula said...

Oh I found the funny bone in my post. It is unfortunate I suppose to experience such loss, but death does not have to be a negative thing!
As for strength - as I have said a lot lately - I do not have strength at the moment, but pure numbness and perfect denial - the outward expression of these may all look similar, thus the confusion, but trust me, its not strength. Well not my own at least.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Deuce said...

i found your blog missy!

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Paula said...

I went to yours to read what you've written - but apparently nothing since March 2006...Sharon would bite my head off if I did something like that!!!!

What made you search for me?
Look forward to blogging with you more - oh my gosh I can't believe I just wrote I can't wait to do more blogging... AAAHHH


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