Why the world needs superman

Monday, August 14, 2006

Superman was an orphan and so now am I!!

Having not come to terms with things yet largely has to do with the fact that there is so much to do we are kept busy. I enjoy this. Well I don't enjoy what I have to do - just the sense that I am kept busy and can avoid reality. As people left the house, leaving at the moment just my mom and myself, things became much more difficult - but we will make it through.
When doing some paperwork yesterday my brother comes up and says - Paula - you need to fill out this section. I assumed it was because my brother and I are the trustees on my mom's account and secondary on my dad's - but that was not a correct assumption. Rather there was a whole section I needed to fill out because I'm considered an orphan. Leo and Laura's ages do not put them in the same category. Being an orphan means the government is going to give me I suppose sympathy pay - like a baby bonus type thing until I'm no longer eligibile for orphan status. Hey a few extra bucks couldn't hurt!


At 9:32 AM, Blogger Sharon said...

an ORPHAN??? that must make mom feel Great!! Wow, can they do that when you still have a living parent? Why would they do that? Yeah great for extra help with school cash and that, but how weird. Our government is screwy - they oughta give kids who have deadbeat dads orphan status too!

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Paula said...

Yeah I was a little unsure as to why I would qualify for it - and I found out today while at a meeting with a government person that they base it on a October-September year - and since my dad passed in August - I get payments backdated to last October or September... I do feel guilty because our government could be using it to help others more in need!


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