Why the world needs superman

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Does Superman require motivation?

Really disappointed in myself at the moment. I wanted to get up early and work on some stuff for school - but instead of turning off my alarm and getting up - I went back to sleep. It was almost afternoon by the time I was brought back to reality with a startle. No idea what was startling - so don't ask! haha.
I not only have to try and finish writing a manuscript that I no longer have the interest in writing since I no longer get to bring it to Banff - but I also have a take home exam that I need to sit down and write. But I find myself much more inclined to sit on the couch here at my parents and watch whatever mindless television show or movie that appears - sending me into a trance-like state.
I have also been conversing with the son of the lady from work. We were going to meet up today. When I awoke late into the morning - I checked my email and saw he contacted me. IT stated that the gathering at his buddies place was to happen at about 1pm....that will be in two minutes from the moment I type this sentence - oops one. I called but got to answer so left a message ---- maybe its a sign I should go get my butt in gear and do some work for school...in the famous words of Piglet "oh bother..."


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