Why the world needs superman

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The comforting touch of a stranger

Howdy! - First... although it looks like I have taken a liking to this blog posting thing - I still am unsure if it will uphold - but I'm going to try!

So, yesterday a girl in my program invited people out to celebrate her birthday. Throughout the day I was not much in the mood to go out - I had not changed out of my pj's - I had not showered - I had been a slum all day and was quite content with hanging out with myself. But Brian called and said lets get together for some pre-drinks... so I did. I'd include a photo of me all done up to go out - but I have no idea how. Before I continue you with my story of the stranger at the bar - I must side track and recall a story of a stranger from the via - especially for those of you who do not have the best of memories (cough - sharon - cough).

When I was younger I use to travel the via by myself often between Whitby and London. On one particular trip to London (one of my last by the via) I had an isle seat and sat across from this guy who decided to pass the time by talking to 15 year old me (even though I was listening to music and reading a book). Anyhoo - I was tired of talking to him because he kept telling me I should go and see his family cottage (he was like a 30 year old guy...so he was creeping me out)..so I went to the bathroom - and upon return put on my earphones and went to reading. After a minute or two he took his index finger and slighty stroke my left shoulder. It absolutely creeped me out and ever since I've had issues with people touching my left shoulder - it sends shviers throughout my body... so thats the background info.....

Last night at the bar - "the gang" was on the dance floor - and I went to get a drink at the bar as I was thristy. On my way back there was the usual obstacle of people to try and slither around. There was a slight path open - but only large enough for one person to walk through... On my way through this - I noticed a guy coming in the opposite direction - he looked to see if he could stop and let me pass - but he was stuck - but I had a slight opening to move out of his way - so I did.. to which he smile and nodded.... and as he passed me - he put his hand on my left shoulder and gave it a really nice and comforting rub - not like a second pat - but like a good 4-5 second rub - and it was like a really kind, caring and generous thank you type one. I smiled and went on my way...

But it did not bother me that he touched my left shoulder - instead I felt so comforted. It was the oddest feeling - and I only wish I had grabbed his hand afterwards and said "thank you" or something - but that may have also ruined the moment -- so I will just let it be a great moment. I very much appreciate this stranger - and its unfortunate that I do not know him - for I sadly would also not recognize him if he came to my door later today to try and sell me the company he works for package for hydro and energy or whatever....

But to you Mr. Stranger guy from the bar --- thanks for being my Superman last night.


At 6:42 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

That is an awesome story - it reminds me of the zipless ____ from Fear of Flying... a must read for all adult intelligent women. There is a lot to be said for those among us who have the ability to both accept and offer kindness to a stranger. Well done.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Paula said...

I'll have to add that to my list of "must read" books.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Jen said...

That's fantastic Paula - I'm sad now though that I have one less thing to freak you out with ;)


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