Why the world needs superman

Friday, July 07, 2006

My MOM is Superman!

I was just listening to Five for fighting (I think that is the correct name of the band) ... song on the radio - a song that I have heard multiple times before, and usually sing along with too..I like the lines -- Its not easy to be me. Heros have the right to dream...----... made me think of another reason as to why the world needs Superman.
We all need a hero. Whether that hero is a mother, a sister, a friend, a teacher, or a stranger on the street --- we all need a hero. Sometimes we are lucky and have more than one hero in our lives. People we can look up too - people we strive to be more like -- people we admire - whether openly or privately.
I have friends that I consider my own personal heros for different reasons. I am very blessed to have them in my life - and I do look at them as Super"people" in my life.
When I was younger I looked up to my brother. I thought that he was the best big brother a girl could have --- unfortunately someone has slipped some kryptonite in his pocket so he isn't acting as the fun-loving and supportive older brother I once knew --- but hopefully the kryptonite is removable and I can get my brother back one day.
My mom - I suppose I could consider her a hero - but I prefer to look at her as angel. How can she not be? She grew up on a farm, not with a lot of money, was a horrible academic - but luckily had a passion for helping people thus became a nurse. She lost her father at a very young age. Fell in love and married a man who would years later suffer from a horrible heart condition and eventually become dependent on her. She also gave birth to two children with life-threatening disease.. oh and then a third child - the devil herself! (that would be me). Her whole life has been dedicated to helping other people whether at work as a nurse, at home as a mother and wife, through her numerous volunteer projects and associations or through her many random acts of kindness to people she does and does not know - that to me is more of a miracle then a hero. Hmmm.... maybe my mom is not from this planet either --- maybe she is an alien and has just done an incredible job fooling as all these years... think about it...
- Grew up on a farm
- Dedicated her life to helping all humanity
- Looks like a human
Oh my gosh! Maybe my mom is Superman! HOW COOL!! MY MOM IS SUPERMAN! -- well I guess SUPERWOMAN.... Alright!


At 4:29 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

That is pretty awesome - I wish I my mom was Superman... then she could fly Raf from Cuba to Canada with her beautiful red cap flapping in the wind.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Paula said...

I'll get my mom to work on her flying skills - and then maybe she can go and get Raf!!!!

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Paula said...

I also need to add the fact that my mother wears glasses... interesting....very interesting...


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