Why the world needs superman

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Work should be a good distraction

So I just found out that I can access this site from work. I never tried before - so I guess I always could - just was never aware of this fact.
Its not fun being back at work. Well - it s a good distraction, but its been so slow that really its not much of a distraction at all. I'm not working at my usual branch at the moment though, most of the people here are nice, but there is one individual who drives me up the wall.
Suppose to go to Pat's house tomorrow after work. He's having a get together. Usually in such situations I would stay over at his house - but this time around I do not want to. Not sure yet if I'll drive back to Corunna, or if I'll stay in the London area elsewhere.
Had a very nice dream last night. Which usually means one thing - my future wedding.
My sister claims that she sees my dad sometimes. I'm not sure if she really does or if she just has an overactive imagination. But apparently it is not uncommon for people to see their deceased family members. At the moment I don't think I can handle that especially since I have not dealt with my dad dying in general! So I keep telling him not to show himself just yet - not until I'm ready.
Not looking forward to my future life events, because its not fun to think that I'm only 24, I'll probably live to lets say 84- thats 60 years I know have to live without my father here. Chances are though I'll live longer than the age of 84. Great. Oh well. We shall and I shall manage...


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