Needing more than superman to make it through Friday
I had to go to Diary Queen tonight.
I didn't deserve to go to DQ - but I needed to go.
Yesterday I had to plan a bunch of O-Week stuff for the newbies (Scrubs reference) coming to Grad school in HK at Windsor. Which was fine - and I obviously was doing this as I tend to have an issue telling people no.
However, I wasn't the smartest choice for the job.
1) they asked me to set up a base/soft-ball game....I haven't picked up a bat since I was seven I'm pretty sure. But I booked a field, rented equipment, and got people to show up. I was ok in the field but horrible up to bat... but I wasn't really trying because I didn't want to get in the "competitive" mind set - I wanted to stay relaxed and have fun - which usually means I'm not playing well....but havign fun nonetheless
2) I'm not from Windsor - nor did I do my undergrad here, thus I do not know the managers or door guys or have contacts in general for people who work at the bars - but I managed to pick a spot for a Tuesday night that went well - people showed up and I think everyone had a good time.
3) I propose my thesis this week....that means I have a lot of other things to worry about rather than running around doing o-week stuff.
After going to bed at 3am because I was up doing work after a return from the bar outing.. I had to get up early to have a jam packed full day of stuff - and still wasn't very successful at getting done what I need to for today - so its going to eb another long night I think....
I just need to remember to breathe --- but I'm definitely wishing I was still at Sharon's parents place sitting around the table drinking 7 year old Cuban rum and playing what ever card game people want to play....
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