Why the world needs superman

Monday, July 16, 2007

What a Spatula can do for you!

I threw a spatula.
Its true I did.
I was washing the dishes and after I washed the spatula I threw it into the drying rack. This made my roommate laugh.
It also provided me with soem guilty satisifaction. TAKE THAT SPATULA!
But would did the spatula do to me?
Nothing... actually it was helpful.
The spatula helped me flip over the black berry pancakes I was making (with a fresh strawberry sauce.. yum).
The spatula was helpful.
The spatula who probably thought upon its creation and enterance into the world assumed its only job would be to flip things - was mistaken.
The spatula would also serve the purpose of releasing some pent up frustration via me.
I don't feel bad for the spatula - it didn't scream... it don't bounce back in protest... it took the slamming and stayed silent.
Today just hasn't been a good day. It really hasn't been bad either - but it has been emotionally straining.
School just gets too frustrating at times - and makes me wonder seriously what I'm doing. I realize there are crappy days where one just wants to drop out - it happens - it is part of the process - but usually something happens to triggor it.
Nothing bad happened - I'm just frustrated.
I don't understand why I still haven't proposed and why this is taking so freaking long.
Oh well.... life will work itself out...


At 11:27 AM, Blogger Jen said...

oooh, those pancakes sound GOOD! I wish I was there to have some! I'll have to come to Windsor when I get back so that you can make them for me!!!

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Paula said...

I will make you pancakes whenever you'd like


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