Why the world needs superman

Friday, May 18, 2007

superman is good

Nelly Furtado sings a song about why all good things come to an end. I don't think all good things come to an end - some mature and change and become even gooder... hahaha I know... better. Yet other good things do come to an end - but that is usually because other good things need room to enter - or at least thats the optimistic way of looking at it I suppose.
Lately I feel that I've been lacking on the new good. Some good has come to an end - but I just haven't had anything come to replace it - and I suppose it just feels like I have a little bit of a void - an empty space - Its not to say that I'm not a fortunate individual - I am - I have many things - more things than probably I deserve - and I know that for the most part it is up to me to make these new good things happen - and its not due to lack of trying - I think its more that I don't know what I'm looking for - and I don't know where to look. I've never been good at change - I've never been good at letting go of the past - and I've always been scared about the future - but I still put my shoes on and trudge forward. I think that I just might be a bit worn down at the moment and need a energy boost - or a good nights rest - well I'm off to go find some more good....


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

I could recommend some good new things... smoked gouda is amazing... as are chocolate covered coffee beans. Also - you can get a snorkelling set for about $40 bucks and listen to the peaceful sounds of water - even in the safety of a fish-free swimming pool if you wanted. Love you!


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