Why the world needs superman

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

what does garbage remind you of?

Almost everyone has a grandfather. A father of one of your parents. Typically people have two grandfathers - well typically two biological grandfathers that is.
I did not get to meet both of mine. My mom's dad died when she was in her early twenties (hmmm sounds familiar). However, I did get to meet her step-dad!! - and he was someone I always referred to as Grandpa - or Grandpa Tom.
My dad's dad died when I was a little girl. My memories of him are actually just photos I've seen. I do recall being at his funeral - not understanding what was going on - but I saw my cousin Patty cry - so I cried too... not because I was sad but because I thought I was suppose to cry!
From experience I find that there is usually something, or a few somethings that help remind you of a person after they have passed on --- or trigor a memory. When talking with others usually a fishing trip, or a war story, or a certain car reminds them of their grandfathers.
What reminds me of my grandpa?
Burning Garbage.
Yeah I know!
How does burning garbage remind you of someone?? That just doesn't sound right!
Living in a rural area one can burn their garbage. My grandpa use to burn a lot of garbage and I have a clear memory of him out in the yard with his bin doing so! I loved watching! I love camp fires and such --- good stories --- good heat --- good company, etc.....
It happens quite often that I as I drive between my mom's place and school that I see at least one person out at their fire bin burning garbage! (not hard to believe sicne I drive all country roads!)
So yes... burning garbage reminds me of my grandpa~!


At 7:31 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Oi. You country folks are apparently not up on your Kyoto protocols!

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Paula said...

well I think there are a few things we can't burn due to the emissions they give off.....


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