Up up and Away
I was going to start his post off with a rant. But I don't really recall what that rant was directed at - but I still will share one with you none the less - I just cannot promise it was the original one intended.
Hand Sanitizer. Disinfective Creams/Soaps/Sprays.
First of all - those wipes you can use in the kitchen that kill 99% of bacteria and germs - thats not a good thing. The so called 1% that is left behind - has all this room to grow, spread, and change - all of which are not killed by the wipes - SINCE THEY DIDN'T GET KILLED IN THE FIRST PLACE. It is better to throw your kid in a pile of mudd to play than make sure they are completely disinfected.... the mudd at least helps them increase their immune system so they themselves can fight off antibodies - rather than weakening their immune system.
Next point - Church.
Ever since SARS everyone is freaking out about the sharing of germs - so now the people that give out the eucharist (little piece of white bread for those who don't go to church) are required to clean their hands with hand sanitizer. I don't mean just one droplet - no no - these people are pouring the crap on their hands. So now their hands are so called clean of germs - BUT they are touching "food" that is about to go inside people's mouths for digestion - AWESOME - the transfer of posion from bottle to hand to mouth. The hand sanitizer is called HAND sanitizer for a reason.
I coudl go on - but I'll save you the details.
It was nice to go to churhc in Whitby though - I hadn't been to that parrish in a long time - so it was nice to see people I haven't seen in a while - even nicer when they still remembered who I was. The part I thought was funny though - was all the people, who are my age - who have kids of their own now - and not married. Just another point to tell my mother when in my attempt to tell her I'm doing a PhD and I'm a good kid (not that that other kids aren't - but with my mom - it will probably work to me advantage - which probably makes me somewhat evil - oh well - different strokes for different folks).
This weekend was nice. I got to travel to Toronto - ok the travel wasn't nice because it took me about 6 hours to get from Windsor to Toronto due to traffic - that sucked - but I made it. I met Jen at the Yorkdale mall (often confused in the past as the Scar. Town Center), where we had a coffee with Mark and Mark's "old" English teacher from high school who was a complete delight!
Then we headed to Whitby - we spent some time with Jen's parents and watched Will Smith (and son) in The Pursuit of Happyness (yes I know happiness is really with an "i"). Jen then finished up a course requirement for her Unite for Sight adventure and we headed to bed. In the morning, Jen, her mom and nana went to the spa, while Jen's dad and I did a bunch of things to get ready for the party... even picked up the surprise - all the way from Montreal - MEGAN.
The going away party was a lot of fun. New friends, old friends (yeah to high school people I hadn't seen in a while) and family! Oh yeah - even some of Jen's neighbours. After the party dwindled we spent the night drinking and playing cards.... and counting eye glasses - 300 pairs....for Jen to take with her. The next morning - I went to church, Megan left for Montreal - then the rest gathered for breakfast at Dines before continuing on with more packing adventures. The time of departure from the Rycroft housedhold - 1pm sharp. Time Jen finished packing....oh 12:50pm. oh wait - thats not true. After leaving the house, and being asked if she had her e-tickets - truth of the matter was that she didn't - so they turned around and went back to the house - and attempted departure number two. Maggie and I in one car played a nice game of cat and mouse with the other car (John, Mary, Mark and Jen) before the other car had to turn off to go to the airport! Maggie and I went to her place for a bit - which is a great little apartment if I do say so myself - and Jen and Mark have safely made it to Scotland! WOO WOO
Sounds like you had a fun weekend! It was nice to see you again as well! Keep in touch!
HA - well mycurrent packing style works - why fix it???
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