I dream a dream a dreamer may dream of dreaming in their dreams...huh?
I had a crazy dream the other night... this isn't actually out of the ordinary for me - I often have the most interesting dreams - but this one just seemed so real!!
In this particular dream, myself with three other girls, Jen, Danielle (a girl that rents a room in the house I live in in Windsor ---> who throughout the last year I've probably seen a total of 5 times! hahaha) and another girl who I can't recall. We had just moved into thise BEAUTIFUL three floor house. White seemed to be the main colour used as part of the house... the outside house panels were white... the walls on the inside were white, and some of the funiture was white. The other main colour in the house was an oak wood - because the stairs and floor were wood! hahaha - but the white should have given it away that I was dreaming if the rest of what occurred in the dream didn't!!! My mom would never let me wear white growing up because less than five minutes of wearing it - the article would no longer be white! hahaha
Upon walking in the front door of the house a closet was to your left, you'd be standing in a bit of an alcove and if you went to your right you'd go to the entrance to the garage, the laundry room, and a bathroom. Straight ahead of you down a hallway to your and slightly to your right after the hallway was a huge open concept kitchen. The kitchen had a wrap around counter that as acted as a table top with bar stools! Behind this towards a window that showed the backyard was a dinning table and chairs. To the left of the kitchen/dinning area was a sitting room - it was just a room that I guess was more like a library or conservatory - but we at least not at the events of the dream used it often. Back to the front door... if standing at the door there is that closet to your immediate left - but if one took two steps forward you would be able to see a door to the left - this lead to a bedroom of the girl who I can't recall who she was. And then of course there was the staircase that led upstairs. Upstairs was a bathroom, three bedrooms and the coolest sitting/tv room/recreation room at the front of the house. We spent a lot of time in this room - so much so that on the countertop that was in there we put a microwave so we could make our popcorn there rather than having to run downstairs for it - as well as a kettle that Jen and I used to make tea and hot chocolate every day. In this room we spent a lot of time just chatting, or reading or watching tv.
Well guess who our neighbours to the right (if facing the house) is the next interesting point of the dream.
Our neighbours were Victoria and David Beckham! Jen and I both happened to go over there a bunch. We only hung out mainly in there kitchen - or in the back yard that had a GREAT pond and stone gardens!!! One night while taking out the garbage I actually got to meet Posh Spice's son who was also taking out the garbage. His name was Homer - and wow - he was the same age as us. He was also in school - but lived a low profile life, unlike his parents. The two of us got along really well - but it was a shy conversation that 15 years might have - and thus did not last very long.
The next few days Victoria kept bugging me about my encounter with her son - and that the lad seemed to have taken a fancy to me! hahahaha.
WELL - if the dream wasn't crazy enough there.. it got more interesting.
That weekend we had a few friends over and we were hanging out in our upstairs room listening to some music, having a few cocktails and getting ready to go out for the night - a girls night. The main topic of conversation was Posh Spice. One of our friends was asking what Jen and I thought of her - was Posh actually nice.... was she smart.... was she actually pretty.... because this person asking us the questions in her experience didn't think she was pretty, thought she was a complete ditz and thought that she was a bee with an itch. Jen and I thought she so far had been a great neighbour and we had enjoyed all of our conversations and encounters. Who was the person that we were discussing this wit - well of course the one and only Madonna!
The details of the dream are still very crisp in my mind - that is actually what I feel to be the odd part because I usually remember the dreams when I awake - but as the days go on the details fade and I eventually forget the dream in a couple of days and fill my head with other thoughts and scenerios - however, this dream is just so real - its weird...
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