Why the world needs superman

Monday, September 25, 2006

What would Superman do?

I'm conflicted.
I had a meeting today with my summer course professor. I have yet to finish the course due to the happenings in the month of August. Last week was my first full week back at school - thus the discussion of what I was going to do about my final had yet to be discussed... until today.
I woke up at 5:30am to be in Windsor by 9:00am. Not I know you are thinking 5:30 - 9:00 is 3.5 hours - why on earth do you need 3.5 hours to get from Corunna to Windsor? Let me tell you. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning - jumped in the shower, I finished getting ready at about 6:00am. I then had to still pack up my stuff and load the car (you would like an individual would not have that much stuff to pack after only being away for less then 48 hours - these people have clearly not met me!). After the car was packed I hung out with my mother (as what seems to be our usual, we discussed an individual whom we know who was killed in a car accident this weekend. Sadly the family to which he belongs recently lost another family member to cancer - so they are not having much fun either!).
So after chatting with my mom I finally was on the road at about 6:50am. This got me to my house (after a Tim Hortons stop in Chatham) in Windsor at about 8:45am. I dropped off the stuff for the fridge, used the facilities and went to school. That is why I needed 3.5 hours!
So - I'm at school. I have a 9am meeting with my professor.
She tells me I have a few options for my exam
1) write the exam
2) write parts of the exam
3) present a lecture (of absolutely not relation to the subject matter at hand) in her undergraduate course
4) do nothing at all and just take the grade of A+, the highest possible mark as no A++ or A+++ exist, and as far as I am aware, A is the first letter of the alphabet.

So you would think that the choice is fairly obvious right? SO WRONG! I'd like to take option number 4 - BUT - I don't think its fair to my other students who had to write the exam, and I dont think it is fair to myself because I had been working on it - so I don't want that effort to go to waste (minus the point that I gained knowledge from my work). At the same time I do not want to write the entire exam because I just don't have enough time for that, but I want to do something to feel like I still earned my grade. The class she teaches is exercise and movement for special populations (ie, Down Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, MS, CP, etc...) so really that isn't related to neuromuscular physiology AT ALL... but it is a lecture I'd like to give because it would look great on my CV and would be more experience teaching! So that option provides me with personal gain....BUT - she also told me that doing part of the exam and doing a lecture would be a lot of work and not necessary - and knows I like to take on more work than at times I can handle....
I think I'm going to write part of the exam - so I can feel like I did something to earn my grade. But - I'm also going to ask to do the lecture because of the factshe wants me to do the one related to CF - and well its not like I need to do any research - I can talk of personal knowledge and experience!
So in conclusion - I'm crazy and really should take option 4 - but clearly will not take the "easy way out"


At 7:32 AM, Blogger Jen said...

I think that's a very good decision - while option 4 is obviously the easy way out, you know that grad school is only as useful as what you put into it. It's awesome that you get to do the lecture too - you're a pro at those topics!

I'm proud of you :)


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