Why the world needs superman

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I may be sick

So - working on my computer tonight - when it goes into what I assume is powersave mode.... fine whatever - oh no - why would something be simple for me? The computer won't turn back on... I've unplugged it with the hopes that maybe if the battery dies out - I can try and reboot it then.
Usually I'd have things backed up - so no big deal. But I have been in Corunna where I can't back things up - I came to Windsor this morning - so haven't had time to back anything up.
So there are a bunch of things on my computer I'd like to have - one example being my exam. I've been working on my exam and now may have to start over again.
But - this isn't what will make me sick...
My fear is I may have just lost all my photos. The last photo I ever took of my dad is on there. The slide show I put together of my dad for the visitation is on there - all these photos are on my computer THAT I CAN"T TURN ON!
Yes I know they are only photos - and in the long scheme of things do not mean anything - but for a daughter who is still in denial.... and wants her father back - these photos mean the world....and I may have lost them... not intentionally.. but still me.
Things just keep getting better! Today I also found out that one of our closest family friends, who couldn't make it to dad's funeral because he wasn't well enough...his future just became a bit more difficult possibly. He's been battling cancer for a while now. He had it - went into remission. I believe he got again, but went back into remission. And now he has it again. He's been going to Sunnybrook Hospital since my dad's passing. They said there was a type of chemo he could try but there is only a 19% success rate at the moment, and that the side effects are just horrible. So - he's decided not to go with treatment because he rather have some good days left...rather than try to survive the side effects. And of course - on my dad, mom and sisters last trip they went and visited him, took lots of pictures, some really awesome ones too - and THEY ARE ON MY COMPUTER! (and now my mascara is running down my face! hahahaha)
I really want to puke.... but I'm going to breathe - and get through this.. I know this is just something little - but its just all building up....


At 6:23 AM, Blogger Paula said...

Things are much better now.... I finally got a hold of someone .... and in Windsor too! So they came to my house and they managed to get it working again.... phew!
Pictures have been retrieved!!!

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Wooooo! I'm so happy that you got them back - this was just a way to force you to back them up - run to the photolab, dear paula!

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Deuce said...

if you're feeling sick, you should take a gravol, those help upset stomachs.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Paula said...

I'm allergic to gravol so that might not be the best idea there deven! But thanks for the suggestion. lol

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I've heard that Pepsi + pudding may be helpful ;)

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Paula said...

what can't chocolate pudding + pepsi not make better?


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