Why the world needs superman

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

tick tock - time keeps going by.

The meaning of meaning.
We have Reality.  The Reality.
An individual has a reality of the Reality.
When an investigator uses that individual in a study they know have a reality of a reality.
Then.... through a rendering process eventually write it up into a publication.
Thus, the reader (X) of the publication then has a reality of the investigators reality of a individuals reality of The Reality.
Somewhere between The Reality and a reality is meaning.
However, if we can never truly come to understand The Reality can meaning ever be truly discovered?

That was a topic of discussion in class today.
Haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to relate this all back to biomechanics, a heavily based QUANTITATIVE field... but I'm sure I'll figure it out somehow! hahaha.

I didn't have a very productive day yesterday.  I woke up much after I originally turned my alarm clock off.  Was slow to getting settled and doing some work.  Then was going to go to the gym.  However after waiting an hour for a bus - I gave up.
I decided to do one of my exercise tapes.  Not even fully through the warm up section my roommate wanted my opinion on his outfit - he needed to know if it was acceptable for a Carrie Underwood concert... I was immediately jealous.  A year ago I got to go with Danielle to a Brad Paisley concert and enjoyed myself a ton - my roommate looked the part.  So then I offered to drive them (as opposed to him and his buddy taking a cab).  On my route home I stopped off at the grocery store for some chips and dip - clearly a healthy dinner - and obviously gave up on the working out aspect of my day.
got a little more work done.
talked with my mom on the phone about some things.
was not allowed to sleep as my roommate and friend returned and the friend definitely was an entertaining drunk who preferred to refer to me as Abdul - which I somewhat enjoyed as the only other nickname of sorts I've somewhat adapted is pvdubs.
Morning came all too soon.
Class, was entertaining.  then I did some quick work on my lectures (that I'm giving!) before a supervisor meeting - and now I'm moments away from another class.

Not looking forward to what tomorrow is.  Such a depressing day for me.  I think my mom is going to come to town for lunch though.  I don't have class... but going to start the day off at the gym with Carissa.  I really enjoy her - I think my non-uwo friends would too!  She's a cool cat (like Annie and Tycho! hahaha).

For now - wishing uwo had a "fall break"... I'm tired and need a moment to catch up on some non-class yet still academic work.... but with classes it just doesn't seem like it will happen.

Contemplating making my own bridesmaid dress for Jen's wedding - I liked the idea of everyone matching - but I don't think that is going to happen anymore and I can be a difficult individual to find a dress that fits - so I may make one - I've done it before so I know its a doable process - one that will turn out well not childlike - but I think I'm going to see if the girls in Canada even might want to get together at one point for a shopping adventure - or even Jen - but she's a busy lady - so maybe not feasible......


At 5:48 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Please invite me :)


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