Why the world needs superman

Monday, October 22, 2007

Two Thousand and Eight...... Already?

I know that Halloween has not yet even come to be - and that is the nearest holiday. I think its even my favourite holiday. As a kid I use to love dressing up and going door to door....I even loved dumping all our treasure (candy) on the dining room table and then separating it all into piles of various categories.... I think I loved the sorting part even better than the eating part! Don't get me wrong - anyone who knows me realizes I ate more than my fair share of the candy - but I dunno....(insert drifting thoughts and memories here....)
Then there is Christmas of course.. I've already put in my request for turkey - and hopefully a real turkey - a whole one - not just a breast - and not a chicken...
But - I've really had New Years on my mind the last few days. The most dressed up I've ever been for New Years is for the Hawaii based theme we had one year in London - awesome New Years...but I've never done the classy thing. The dressed up thing. Reason being is because thats usually the more expensive route to take. Also - even though I have several formal dresses - I'm just more comfortable in pjs.. hahaha. I like to dress up - but usually end up feeling very uncomfortable dressed up - not because I'm cutting off circulation or anything - but because I never feel like a princess - and I guess in my head I feel that when I girl gets all glamoured up she should feel like a princess - and almost every time I've been to a formal event it never gets close to the hopes and expectations I have for it - instead of feeling like a princess I usually feel depressed and like a huge heap of crap. So maybe that is another reason why I have stayed away from the "fairy tale" New Years - I don't really know.
The important part about New Years to me is trying to spend it with family or friends - as I've aged its definitely been the latter of the two.
Its also funny that I've been thinking of New Years because I'm the girl who wants to stop time - who wants to go back in time - who just would like the clock to stop moving so fast......


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