Why the world needs superman

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Go figure that the Superman fan is going to finally talk about comics and superheroes.

Tonight on Beauty and the Geek the Beauty's got to create a a superhero (story and all).... and the Geek's had to design and create the outfits.

I've also always admired my friend Massimo's abilty in creating superheros and comics and such... very talented.

I have always enjoyed the superhero world. The last book I just finished reading was "All my friends are superheros" and I absolutely loved this very short book! I absolutely love being entertained by Smallville n Thursdays at 8pm.....I love the topic but it also helps that Tom Welling in my mind is so good looking (which I've learned, if I find someone "cute"... Sharon thinks they are "goofy" looking... which ok for the most part might be true... but I think Tom Welling is really hot.. and not goofy).

I've often wondered what superhero I would be. I was even thinking about creating a superhero outfit this halloween before agreeing to do a "group" outfit..... I have a cool mask I bought thats silver - and I was going to incorporate red.. maybe with flames.. and maybe take some influence of Shan's "Spoonman" costume one year... maybe next year.

What would your powers be?

I'm not sure what my powers would be - but this weekend I was told what one person thought my downfall or my weakness was. I feel the world's sorrow too much and want to do everything in my power to make things better for them - to hep them - which is often out of my control and power.... so my weakness might possibly be the world's sorrow? But I did tell this person that I do want people to be happy... and I do like trying to help people if I can - but I also know that I can't do everything - I can't always do the right thing either --- and not all the things I do do are helpful.... and although it makes me happy when friends and family are happy....but my happiness does not depend on it.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

okay - maybe not ALL the guyz you think are hot are goofy looking... Tom Welling and Rafa being two of the exceptions.

As for the costumes - I whole heartedly agree that we should become superheroes. I'll help you if you help me. If you were a superhero you'd be something like Paula the compassionate... or Paula the Reliable -- who can attend 50 funerals a year, and still fit in all the Colts games and church on Sunday. OOh ooh or SuperSober Paula, the DD. Oooo Casper... no wait you knocked off the baby powder thing, nevermind.

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Paula said...

ahahaah - aren't you funny....
Just for that - I'm going to start drinking.... way to make someone an alcoholic.

Lets see who could you be.....

Sharon the.....whats my name again? The superhero who can't even remember her own name she's so forgetful.
Sharon the multi-great.... she wears many hats, has many roles... and is incredible at everything she does..
or my personal favourite...
Sharon the puker.

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Mozz said...

Choosing a power would be difficult. I've always wanted super speed or maybe flight, but that's just for travelling purposes (sick and tired of the go train).

You've got to consider what kind of powers would work. I mean, Spider-Man's powers couldn't be that useful around here. Nothing to swing on... then there's teleportation, but who knows what kind of variables are involved. You don't want to teleport and appear in a solid object, that could be messy.

Okay, geek moment over...


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