Why the world needs superman

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

its progress...

Phase one complete.
I did the online application process for my Ph.D. application. I suppose that is actually phase 3. Phase one would be talking to and meeting with different profs. Phase two would be deciding to apply and with whom to work with. Thus Phase 3 (I like the way the number 3 looks instead of the words, hence the symbol over the word.. its not that I have a rule that 3+ should be in the form of symbols)... is the online application.
Phase four is in the works. There is a paper submission. This consists of transcripts, money, reference letters, and the answers to some questions that for some reason they didn't include in the online part. Some of the questions relate to a possible TAship. For example I had to choose and rank some sports that I have either advance or intermediate experience/training with/in. I went with dance, football, basketball and volleyball.
My one advisor who is acting as a referee for me (not in the above stated sports, but rather for my above mentioned reference letters) wrote that she was happy to provide me with one but sad that I have to go.
And you know what I am sad to leave. Although I haven't had the best run of things in Windsor - and there have been a lot of shitty things that have happened since I moved here - I have grown a lot as a person. There are definitely reasons why I would like to stay - but I think that even without my thesis being done at this point I'm frustrated with still being here. I don't care for where I'm living at the moment... and need out. There is so much drama among a bunch of friends that its more than I care to deal with or even know about. I just need a chance to get away and breathe I think. I'm definitely in a glass box that has been filling with water and I'm almost out of air --- thankfully its a glass box though - it means people can see in....(as I can also see out)... so I'll be just fine and not run out of space nor air.


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